Cliff Notes by Dane LeMasters



  • Roll two dice. Choose higher roll. Modifiers added to each die. Anything over a 6 becomes a six. Anything below a 1 becomes a 1.


  • SECRET– Anything face down is secret from players, unless rules instruct player or gives permission to look.
  • SECRET—A Hero’s Recorded daily Activity (until executed), discoveries, gold, and victory conditions.
  • PUBLIC – A Hero can count number of treasure cards at a site
  • PUBLIC – A Hero can look at both sides of a denizen counter
  • PUBLIC – A Hero’s character info, belongings (except Inactive treasures), chits, and fame and notoriety.
  • A Hero may TELL another player what treasures a native group has, but cannot show.
  • Hero may lie about this information.
  • SELLING INFO – Heroes may SELL information about discoveries to other heroes in the clearing. If this is a site chit—the Hero make look at the chit. A hero may also sell information about his future moves or sell information about what is in another chit. Prices are determined between Heroes . Heroes may NOT sell “find enemies” info.
  • Heroes are always considered SPYING on non-hidden Heroes in their clearing. When a character uses a discovery, all the other Heroes in the same clearing, may use the discovery as well. If the hero sells info, that info is spied on as well.


  • Active chits stay on the left of the character sheet. Inactive chits are moved to the right.


  • Bonus phases (from horses, items, special abilities, etc.) are always recorded with an asterisk.
  • Any activity the player is unable to legally do (e.g. use a secret passage he did not find), it is cancelled.


  • He finishes last activity
  • Stops following another character
  • Is blocked
  • At this time, all prowling monsters move to his clearing
  • He turns chits up. Chits that summon monsters will do so according to the monster roll.

END OF TURN (Summoning Monsters, Natives,  etc.)

  • New monsters may arrive or prowling may move around their tile.
  • Monsters remain on tiles until killed or regenerated
  • Prowling monster on the hero’s tile move to hero’s clearing (unless blocked)
  • Face down map chits are turned face up. Map chit with numbers are placed in their respective clearing.
  • Some chits summon others. Yellow chits bring Campfire (stink brings Large Campfire. Smoke brings Small Campfire,) Campfires are placed on highest number chit that connects to borderlands tile. If lost castle or lost city is revealed—their chits are placed face up in the tile they were discovered.
  • Each chit may summon monsters—if the chit is listed above a box in the row of monsters with the monster roll chit—those monsters will come to the board. If part of a group of boxes—only use left most stack.
  • Monsters summoned by yellow WARNING chits—move to warning characters clearing (these summon first)
  • Monster summoned by SOUND our SIGHT chits are placed to the clearing with corresponding chit.
  • These monsters are now prowling.
  • Once a chit is face up—it stays face up until midnight. It the map is face up on a hero’s turn—it will not summon again.
  • Monsters who arrive in a clearing – can block unhidden heroes.
  • NATIVES – If hero is in clearing with a dwelling. Natives are summoned to map (if they are still on the set up card).


  • Curses – If a hero rolls the same curse twice—the second curse has no effect. Curses last until game end unless removed at the Chapel.
  • Starting A New Hero – After hero death, the player may choose any hero not in use (including recently dead Hero), and starts and beginning of next day as if he is first starting a new game, and must start at THE INN. Any starting items are taken from Native groups or abandoned on the map. If unavailable, Hero gets Item’s value in gold.


  • Visitors never leave the clearing they are summoned to. Never return to appearance sheet. They can never be killed. And only block as a result to f the rolling on the meeting chart.
  • A hero can have no more than one campaign chit at a time.
  • Must pay cost in FAME and/or NOTORIETY (if this makes a negative rating, chit cannot be taken). Now committed to complete task with in time limit
  • If completed on time FAME and/or NOTORIETY is regained. If he fails, he pays cost AGAIN.
  • Time limit for WAR, CONQUER, QUEST, REVOLT = end of game.
  • Time limit for ESCORT PARTY, FOOD/ALE, PILLAGE, RAID = 14 Days (until Midnight)
  • Missions cost 5 NOTORIETY. He must deliver to a dwelling in 14 days. Count #clearings to dwelling (shortest route). Reward is 2 GOLD/per clearing upon delivery.
  • FOOD/ALE is picked up at the INN and must be taken to the HOUSE (chit cannot start on INN)
  • ESCORT PARTY must be taken to chapel (chit cannot start on CHAPEL)
  • To complete task—enter clearing with dwelling = Regain NOTORIETY w/in 14 days.
  • QUEST costs 20 NOTORIETY. Allies = The Order. Task = Kill all Dragons & Flying Dragons. Has until game end.
  • PILLAGE costs 10 NOTORIETY. Allies = Bashkars. Task = Kill all Patrol and Soldiers. Has until game end.
  • RAID costs 8 FAME . Allies = Woodfolk & Lancers. Task = Kill all Bashkars & Rogues. Has until game end.
  • REVOLT costs 35 NOTORIETY. Allies = Bashkars, Rogues, Woodfolk & Lancers. Task = Kill all Soldiers, Guard, Patrol & Company. Has until game end.
  • WAR costs 10 FAME & 15 NOTORIETY. Allies = Soldiers, Guard, Patrol. Task = Kill all Company, Bashkars & Rogues. Has until game end.
  • CONQUER costs 40 NOTORIETY. Allies = Soldiers, Guard, Patrol & Company. Task = Kill all Bashkars, Rogues, Woodfolk & Lancers. Has until game end.
  • Heroes gain TWO TRADING RELATIONSHIP LEVELS with allies. Always uses ENEMY with task targets.
  • Hero may complete task even if he doesn’t personally kill all targets.
  • May abandon a campaign – if none of his targets are on the map. Loses cost paid.



  • There are 5 colors of magic. These can come from enchanting a magic chit or a tile.
    • White: Power from On High, working beneficial magic
    • Grey: Natural Laws, controlling nature
    • Gold: Woods Sprites, working elvish magic
    • Purple: Elemental Energies, twisting and reshaping reality
    • Black: Demonic power, working infernal magic
  • Color magic comes from enchanted chits, tiles, or treasures (the latter two provide continuous color).
  • The 7th day of each week provides color magic. See DAILY RECORD.
  • There are 8 magic chit types are use to gain power over magic colors. These can be flipped to make colors.
    • Type I: Righteous invocations = WHITE (when flipped symbol side up)
    • Type II: Pagan rites = GREY(when flipped symbol side up)
    • Type III: Elvish lore = GOLD(when flipped symbol side up)
    • Type IV: Energy-binding alchemy = PURPLE(when flipped symbol side up)
    • Type V: Diabolic ceremonies = BLACK(when flipped symbol side up)
    • Type VI: Conjuring techniques
    • Type VII: Good Luck knacks
    • Type VIII: Malicious tricks
  • Each hero can only use his OWN magic chits (which represent rituals used to cast spells). Chits show spell type, time number (called completion time), effort 1 or 2 asterisks(*)
    • Artifacts and Spell books can be used as magic chits.
  • Heroes may ALERT (A) magic chits instead of weapons. Alerted chit has a cast time of 0. NOTE: At Midnight, alerted magic chits



  • A Hero can SEARCH (S) and use the READING RUNES TABLE to gain spellbooks , Artifacts, and Site chits.
  • If the hero has MAGIC SIGHT – He must use this table instead of the any other search table.

ENCHANT  (Heroes with magic chits I-V only)

  • Record the “E” action during NOTE: The first “E” is treated as blank (spell is being prepped).
  • The second recorded “E” the hero may enchant 1 magic chit or 1 tile. This requires an ACTIVE magic chit(I-V).
  • An enchanted magic chit is flipped symbol side up—Now it is a color chit (not a magic chit). It can only be USED ONCE. When used it is flipped back over and fatigues (moves right of hero’s sheet). Hero may fatigue this chit to get it back at start of any phase or during the Encounter Step. With damage– Must be fatigued or wounded last.
  • Enchanted (or unenchanted) tiles are flipped over. Hero needs a color and magic chit of same type (e.g. Type I magic chit and white color chit. Though the color chit fatigues—the magic chit does not. Enchanted Tiles provide continuous color – each clearing’s border indicates color type.
    • NOTE: Heroes have MOVEs on roadways that are now gone cannot move, and can not runaway on a now missing roadway. Heroes on a roadway that vanishes—is placed in woods, and must move to nearest clearing on his next MOVE. Otherwise, ALL other actions are cancelled.


  • Spells are cast in the Evening, during combat.
  • During the Encounter Step as his action, the Hero puts a Magic Chit of the spell type in the spell box of his MELEE SHEET, and plays color (from an enchanted chit (which then fatigues), item, or tile). Hero is now a
  • Magic Chit’s spell time must be ­LESS or EQUAL to ALL other maneuver times on his sheet.
  • Spellcaster chooses a target when his attention chit is picked during MELEE STEP. Puts his magic chit on the target. Target is now Chit remains until spell effect finishes. After it become fatigued.
  • Spells take effect in order of completion time (lowest to highest).
  • A spells bewitching a target (but not that affect clearings), cancels that target’s uncast spells the target was preparing. Spells with simultaneous completion times do NOT cancel each other.
  • After casting a spell– Spellcasters may NOT also attack (unless his spell was cancelled—and then only vs. spell’s target, and only if target was Denizen or another Hero).
  • After casting a spell Spellcasters MAY
  • Magic Chit Fatigue (*) count towards the 2 * limit, even if spell failed. Magic Chits cannot make change (*).
  • All spells (except ATTACK) ignore armor, horses, etc.
  • If a spell effect makes a hero’s action impossible, it is cancelled.
  • Bonus Phases: A Hero can only record a bonus phase if the spell that causes it is in effect during Birdsong. A Hero can gain bonus phases from an inert permanent spell. Hero is committed to energizing the spell when he does the phase (if unable, phase is cancelled).



  • If a spell is NULLIFIED, the magic chit remains committed to target, but spell has no effect.
  • When RELEASED from a spell, target is no longer a target. Magic chit is not committed.  Spell has no affect. When target of spell is released, spell is broken.
  • BREAKING a spell releases all targets. Magic chit is returned and fatigues.
  • CANCELLED spells are broken BEFORE they go into effect. Magic chit is returned and fatigues. Can be cancelled because of illegal play, faster spells, or no targets remain in the clearing.
  • An ONGOING effects spell cannot duplicate a spell already bewitching a target. Duplicate spells against the same target simultaneously, cancel each other.
  • If Hero is killed, spell is instantly BROKEN
  • When a denizen returns to SET UP CARD—his spells are BROKEN.



  • Can get new spells from Sites, Artifacts (Hold 1 spell), Visitors, Spell Books (Hold 4 Spells)
  • During a SEARCH (S). Hero can use READ RUNES table on his active artifacts or spell books or a DISCOVERED SITE in his clearing. See table.
  • Can buy from visitor for 10 GOLD. Use TRADE (T) activity. Roll on MEETING TABLE.
  • Must have matching magic xhit of sepll type. Can only learn spell from each card once.
  • Hero MAY learn a duplicate spell from a spell card, if he STARTED GAME with same spell.
  • When a hero finds a new spell – Record it on his PR SHEET. Then puts it back for others to find.
  • Spells cannot be sold or traded to other Heroes.




  • Character      Any character (including spellcaster).
  • Monster Any monster (unless specified)
  • Individual Any character, native, monster (unless specified).
  • Multiple Any “individual” targets the spellcaster chooses.
  • Clearing Spellcaster’s clearing. The spell affects everyone in the clearing.
  • Tile Spellcaster’s map tile. The spell affects everyone in that tile.
  • Magic Chits Any/All the spellcaster’s active Magic chits (NOT Color and committed chits)
  • Spell 1 spell cast by a Magic chit, whose spellcaster or is in Hero’s clearing.
  • Instant Resolves and expires immediately.
  • Combat Expires at midnight.
  • Day Expires at Sunset of the day after they are cast.
  • Attack Attacks like a weapon. During the Melee Step, Hero secretly puts his Magic Chit in an

attack circle. Attack time = completion time. Resolved as weapon attack (length, harm, attack method)  Spells Vs. multi-targets make identical attacks on each. NOTE: If spell attacks like missile, spellcaster rolls separate on MISSILE TABLE for each hit.

NOTE: Attack spell not affected by spells or treasure cards that target weapons.

  • Permanent    Magic chit is put on target. Never expires. Only affect targets when energized. If inert,

no effect. Automatically energized when it is cast. Becomes inert at Midnight unless has access to continuous color source.  Once inert, can be reenergized whenever supplied with the color magic. Enchanted cards, map tiles, and the 7th day energize spells automatically. Spell remains active even if inert. Color chits can energize spell– fatigue as normal. During DAYLIGHT, Hero can play color chits each time he or anyone else starts a phase in his clearing. In combat, can play color chits during the Encounter Step, on his turn to do an action (NOTE: Hero may play as many chits as he wants, and does not use up his action. When a map tile is spell target can be energized from anywhere on the tile (spell affects the whole tile, even where energizing color magic is not present).

  • Conflicting Stronger spell NULLIFIES weaker until it expires. If equal, NULLIFY each other.






  • Scrye: Records “SC” + clearing on map. Hero may use PEER TABLE on this clearing.
  • Remote Enchant: Record “RE-” + clearing on map. Hero may Enchant (E) as if he

were in the clearing recorded. Can enchant 1 Magic chit or tile with clearing (NOW can use color magic

of own clearing or target clearing).

  • Magic Sight: Hero must use MAGIC SIGHT TABLE (Still uses tables to loot sites). Hero can find hidden enemies only if they have spells or special items. On “spells” result Hero finds everyone w/spells recorded. On “counters” result, Hero finds everyone w/ a weapon, armor, or horse (incl. natives, goblins, ogres and giants). On “treasures” result, Hero finds everyone w/ a treasure card. Hero loses sight of hidden enemies if magic sight is lost, or if they lose items that enable sight. Can only discover hidden/secret paths by rolling “1” (allows choose any result).
  • Targeting: If a spell prohibits Hero from specifying target, he cannot charge or target him for any attack or spell (otherwise action is canceled and cannot specify a new target this round). Can still lure target, or can be assigned randomly. If spell forbids denizen from attacking a target it is already assigned to, denizen becomes unassigned and it cannot be assigned until next round. If it is a

Tremendous monster, it turns red side down.

  • Pacification Spells: All targets who assigned to spellcaster or his minions become unassigned. If spellcaster’s minions are assigned to attack spell’s targets (or if lured), spell is cancelled.
    • If spell lasts to next day, Denizens can only block during trading and hiring. May hired pacified DENIZENS (even monsters) May use the trading relationship defined by spell (can buy drinks before rolling on MEETING TABLE).
    • Pacified monsters must be hired a group (i.e. every monster of the same size with same picture).
    • Gold wage = notoriety. Term = 14 days. Cannot be rehired. The temporary relationship caused by the spell never changes.
    • Two pacifications spell can affect same target if cast by different spellcasters. However, hired, Denizen is released from all other pacification spells. While hired, no other pacification will work. Treachery rules apply but spellcaster does not lose any FAME points.
  • Controlling Monsters: Spellcaster can cancel assignments of any or all of the target monsters (but cannot assign to new targets until next round). Assignin to any of Hero’s hired natives = treachery.
    • A monster defending on its own sheet, keeps assigned attackers; if any are minions of spellcaster, spell is cancelled.
    • Once under control = unaffected by other control spells.
    • Control can be broken by attacking or luring by Spellcaster.
  • Hired Monsters (HM’s) = Hero’s minions (like underling HN’s). Do NOT prowl. Do NOT return to the APPEARANCE CHART. Only Follow, and can only Move and Hide. They cannot block or be blocked, and they do not summon denizens.
  • Controlled monsters are agents. They can block/ be blocked, they summon denizens, and cause combat in their clearing.
    • They get an attention chit, a TURN RECORD SHEET, and a turn to record/ do activities.
    • They can carry belongings, record gold, make discoveries
    • Move strength = Size.
    • Cannot Trade and hire, but can trade gold and belongings with Heroes and other agents.
    • When the spell ends, the monster’s recorded values vanish and its belongings are abandoned in its clearing.
    • In Daylight, unhidden CM’s are light side up, hidden CM’s are dark side up (Tremendous CM’s red side up).
    • In combat HM’s can lure, but cannot be lured (Like HN’s). EXCEPT: Tremendous monsters cannot be flipped red side up unless hit.
    • Hero gains/ loses FAME & NOTORIETY HM’s and CM’s like HN’s.
  • Transmorphizing: A transmorphized Hero is still considered a Hero for spell targets and game effects.
    • All action chits are frozen and unusable. EXCEPT: color chits can energize permanent spells, and fatigue normally when used. Instead Hero plays unused chits symbol
    • Hero plays his unused chits symbol side up (values defined by spell). These chits cannot be wounded and do not cause fatigue.
    • All recorded gold, items, and horses with Hero are also transmorphized (frozen as they are). They cannot be rearranged, traded or abandoned, they have Negligible weight, and they move with Hero automatically. They cannot be used & have no effect on game. EXCEPT: Enchanted cards still give color magic and their effects.
    • Native horses, head counters, and club counters are also transmorphized with their owner.
    • A transmorphized denizen is still a denizen.
    • A transmorphized denizen uses the combat values defined by the spell.
    • When a transmorphized individual suffers harm equal or greater to his vulnerability he is killed. Otherwise, no effect.
    • A transmorphized individual can never trade, hire, rest, alert, or enchant activities. He can move, hide, search, and follow, except if is a flying monster (then must fly instead of move)
    • If affected by several transmorphizing spells, strongest one nullifies others. Melt into Mist is strongest, then Transform, then Absorb Essence.



  • Record “FL-” and Hero’s tile or adjacent tile that Hero wishes to fly to (may enter/leave caves).
  • Flying consists of strength letter and a maneuver time. However, flying has different results than moving, as explained below.
  • Hero’s counter is put in forest of destination tile, away from the clearings.
  • Must have flying strength = Hero’s weight. (must abandon his untransmorphized horses, items too heavy to carry).
  • Flying makes individual
  • Followers without flying are left behind.
  • Cannot trade, abandon belongings, block, or be blocked.
  • Must land at the end of a flying phase, unless followed by another flying phase.
  • LANDING: Rolls one die (unmodified) puts counter on the clearing #. If no clearing with number, reroll
    • If Hero lands in a cave after using Sunlight phase, his remaining phases are cancelled.
  • Flying in Combat: Can use flying like move values, to charge or run away during Encounter Step, and to maneuver during the Melee Step.
    • A Hero who flies away ignores non-flying move times. Only foe with chits on Melee Section with flying can stop him.  Red side up T-monsters still stop fleeing as normal.Hero’s counter is put half on the tile he is in, and half on adjacent tile of choice. Must start next turn with a Fly (FL)phase to fly into either tile and land.
  • Flying Monsters: Always uses its flying values to maneuvers/fight. If controlled, can only record FL phases during Can use “M” when following a non-flying guide.
  • Bats & Dragons can be ridden by Hero if Monster’s S =/+ Hero’s Weight, but not during combat.
  • A transmorphized character can ride a monster, but only if he is a goblin, ogre, imp or Heavy troll.





  • Collect attention chits. Pick one at a time. Combat now begins (PvP, PvMonsters, PvNative) in each eligible clearing one at a time.
  • Monsters automatically attack unhidden Heroes.
  • Hostile natives roll for reactions to Heroes. Each Hero (incl. hidden) roll on meeting table to see if each group of natives attack (heroes may buy drinks). On a “battle” result. Heroes must fight natives.
  • Combat done in rounds (3 steps per round – Encounter/Melee/Fatigue (+Damage & Aftereffects).
  • Monsters fight randomly based on dice roll on combat sheet.
  • Hero who took first turn in DAYLIGHT is the starting character for combat.
  • Heroes use chits for combat. Each action chits may only be used 1x per round. May not fatigue more than two asterisks (including magic chits) per round.
  • Moves chits may must equal or item weight. Fight chits must equal weight of active weapon.
  • Instead of a move chit, Hero can use either horse instead. Hero can use either side so long as it equals or exceeds, total weight. Galloping side (with asterisk) can only be used 1x per combat. Used placed in the Used This Round box after used.
  • Encounter Step—Hero may switch weapons or run away.
    • Native Horses are turned light side up.
    • In order (first hero and proceeding clockwise) Hero may lure a denizen in his clearing (even those assigned to other heroes)—onto his sheet. Hidden Heroes may lure denizen but become unhidden. The denizen counter is placed in red box on Hero’s combat sheet (assigned).
    • If Lured denizen is a native—all OTHER natives are lured to that hero’s sheet.
    • Unassigned denizens are assigned—Each hero rolls 2 dice for each unassigned denizen. High roll is assigned a denizen. NOTE: Hidden Heroes cannot be assigned randomly.
  • Deployment A hero may charge another unhidden hero (or discovered) in the same clearing by playing a horse or move chit. His chit is then assigned to target’s combat sheet.
  • Taking Actions/Running Away & Readying WeaponsEach character who did NOT charge, may take actions.
    • Heroes may activate/inactive one belongings
    • Heroes may abandon item(s)
    • Play a move chit or horse chit at the top of their sheet to RUN AWAY – The chit’s maneuver time must be LOWER than the maneuver time of every denizen/hero attention chit assigned to him.
    • A hero that runs away—leaves combat. Assigned denizens become unassigned until next combat round. The fleeing hero moves to road at edge of his clearing (if hero arrived in clearing that day- must leave by road he came in on). A hero may run away even I there are no enemies in the clearing or tile.
    • Heroes’ may a FIGHT chit – to alert his active weapon – The chit’s maneuver time must be LOWER than the maneuver time of every denizen/hero attention chit assigned to him. Riding Natives use their own horse’s maneuver time.
    • Action chits are placed in the “Used this round” box.
    • If illegal play is made—action is cancelled. But chit is still used and goes in box!
  • Melee StepAll hero’s attention chits are randomly selected one at a time to determine order.
    • Native Horses are turned over.
    • Each hero can make one attack against one foe (Denizen or Hero). Place Hero’s attention chit on foe’s counter or sheet (this is hero’s target).
    • ANY foe in clearing may be target (even foes assigned to other Hero’s sheets or is unassigned)
    • Charging characters may only target foe they have charged. Heroes also may choose not to attack.
    • Being named a target does not change denizen’s assignment.
    • If hero targets a native not assigned to him—on following round, other natives will be assigned to this Hero.
    • Attacks & Maneuvers – Part of melee step!!! Each hero may play ONE ATTACK and ONE MANEUVER. Each attack circle intercepts a specific maneuver.
      • Heroes choose 1 of 3 attack directions– Thrust (Straight ahead) Swing  (Side to side) Smash (downwards). Heroes may play an attack even if they did not choose a target.
      • The Attack time (based on number denizen chit, weapon chit, or fight chit) = how fast attack hits. Lower is better.
      • Heroes choose 1 of 3 maneuvers — Charge (Straight ahead) Dodge (Sidestep), Duck (Downward). Faster maneuver times make Hero harder to hit (Lower number is better)
      • SECRETLY– Heroes place one fight chit and a weapon chit (if hero chose a target it may be played either side up) into an attack box. And one maneuver chit or Horse chit on one maneuver box.
      • Active shields MUST be are played into one of the shield boxes.
    • Position Denizens – Hero may move Denizen counters into any of the red boxes he wishes. If he is facing multiple foes, he must fill all the attack direction boxes before stacking.
      • Horses must be placed in a separate box from their riders (and do not count towards filling the 3 boxes).
      • An unassigned targeted foe should be assigned to any box on hero’s sheet.
    • Revealing & Repositioning – Once all Heroes have secretly played chits and assigned foes, they reveal melee section simultaneously.
      • Roll one die for each melee section on his sheet and then consults the Repositioning Denizens Table (unmodified). Follow results.
      • Hero rolls two dice for each box. If a “6” is rolled. Denizens in that box flip over their chits (called changing tactics. Native horses DO NOT do this).
    • Resolving Attacks – Attacks use attack time, direction, weapon length, Harm level.
      • Attack time is one weapon chit or fight chit. Maneuver time is on Maneuver chit or horse chit.
      • Direction is the circle or box holding the attack chit, maneuver chit, or denizen (counts as both) NOTE: Natives on horses will have two different directions and horse’s chit is the maneuver time.
      • Denizen attack and maneuver time are on the chits (or chart).
      • Weapon length is on chit.
      • In first combat round only: Attacks are resolved in order of length. Highest number, and counting down. Ties go to lowest attack time.
      • Every subsequent combat round—This is reversed. Attacks are resolved in order of Attack time. Highest number, and counting down. Ties go to HIGHEST weapon length. Further ties are resolved simultaneously.
      • Attacks HIT if attack time is LESS THAN maneuver time of its target (Attack Time<Maneuver Time). This is called “undercutting.”
      • Attacks ALSO HIT if direction of target MATCHES direction of the attack. Called Matching.”

Arrows on sheet show you which circles and boxes match. If no maneuver is played—ANY ATTACK HITS!

  • Otherwise it is a miss.
  • Hero can only damage HIS TARGET! Not other foes on his sheet.
  • Any denizens are considering attacking him. Any matches or undercuts will hit Hero.
  • If the hero’s attack misses—the Hero’s weapon must turn alert side up.
  • Determine Harm (Damage)– Harm is based on the weigh letter (L,M,H,T) as seen on chit. Harm can also be negligible (no effect but still a hit). Harm is raised ONE LEVEL for EACH SHARPNESS STAR.
    • Armor negates one sharpness star. Monsters with Armor ignore 1 sharpness star. Warhorses are also armored. Armor is effective against attacks from certain directions. If an arrow passes through the armor box. It is effective.
    • If the attack is intercepted by Armor— Armor is used. If not– attack bypasses armor.
    • If Harm is < armor –armor is unaffected. If Harm = Armor – Armor is damaged (if already damaged, than it is destroyed). If Harm > armor – Armor is destroyed.
    • If the fight chit played > weapon weight level. Harm is increased one
    • Missile weapons – roll on missile table. Archers get 1 die. X-bowmen roll 2 as normal.
    • Damage is applied by applying Harm level with Denizen’s vulnerability level.
    • If the Harm equals or exceeds the foes vulnerability—the foe is killed.
    • If Hero played a horse in Melee step—The Harm is absorbed by the horse.
    • If foe is a native riding a horse —The horse is killed first (Ponies = Unarmored M. Workhorse= Unarmored, H. Warhorse = Armored, T). Native will now fight on foot (but keeps horse speed and direction until end of round).
  • If final Harm taken is MEDIUM or greater (regardless of armor) – The Hero loses one wound.
    • If the armor is not used—Hero takes full Harm. If the Harm is greater than or equal to Hero’s vulnerability the hero is killed. If not, the hero takes 1 Wound.
    • If Hero is killed –remove attention chit and cancel any further attacks and actions.
    • Simultaneous attacks can result in mutual death (hero & denizen)
    • If several attacks his one hero’s armor or horse—they are combined against target causing multiple wounds.
    • An attack which causes negligible damage – the Hero’s weapon is still turned alert side down.
    • Slain denizens are removed from play.
  • Fatigue Step – Each hero may play one “*” per round w/out penalty. But if the hero plays 2 “*”s the hero must fatigue a chip. If both asterisks were on a move chit—the player must fatigue a chit of the same type (fight or move). He may use any chit, not just the one he played.
  • WOUNDS – For each wound—the hero must move one any chit to the right of the hero sheet (inactive) and flip it over.
  • End of CombatCombat ends after 2 rounds with no effect (fatigue, wounds, hero/denizen death, armor damaged, etc.), or if there are no more foes in that clearing. When combat is over—Any hero may rearrange or trade with another Hero in the clearing. Used action chits are returned to active area.
  • Assigned denizens remain until lured away, slain, or he runs away.
  • Remaining denizens are returned to clearing on tile LIGHT SIDE up.
  • Heroes in the clearing cannot take clearing actions, and must start next day with a “M” activity (Or two M for a mountain clearing). He does NOT have to play a move chit for this first move.
  • Spoils of War – Heroes who kill denizens receive fame, notoriety, and/or Gold shown on denizen chit. Fame and notoriety are doubled if it is the hero’s second kill of the day. For the 3rd kill bonus becomes x3.
  • If heroes share a kill with simultaneous attacks—Spoils are split. Each hero gets to count the attack as a kill for purposes of determining bonus multipliers.
  • Heroes who slay heroes—gain that victim’s notoriety, gold, and belongings. NOT the fame! This counts as a kill.
  • Heroes slain by monsters—lose their belongings (left in the clearing), and he loses his gold. Natives will take items to their set up box.
  • When a native leader is killed, their groups belongings are abandoned in the clearing.
  • Special Denizens– Spear carrying Goblins and Archers have no attack value when light side up. So they can’t cause damage.
  • Magic Monster Attacks – The Demon, winged demon, and imp – Have magical attacks. In place of Harm—Demons rolls on “Power of Pit Table” and “Curse Table” for Imp. These attacks are not stopped by armor or horses.
  • Head & Club Attacks – Assigned along with their respective monsters. In Melee step the head or club chit must be in a diff direction box, and this counter cannot be targeted or harmed. These change tactics as normal.
  • Tremendous Monsters – Do not change tactics in melee step. Instead, they only turn red side up when they score a HIT on the Hero. They only turn back, if the hero is killed. A red side Tremendous Monster has picked hero up to tear him apart. If the attack hits—the Hero is automatically killed.
    • Red side up Tremendous Monsters cannot change targets or be lured away.
    • Target may not play a move chit during encounter step.
    • He can play a maneuver in the melee step—but not a horse.
    • Combat can not end with a red side monster in the clearing.


  • If assigned to attack a hero—it is put on his combat sheet (like a denizen). Each HN can only be assigned 1x per round.
  • A denizen being attacked by ONE or MORE other denizens—must attack that denizen- It may not attack the hero (EXCEPTION: A Red side up T monster can still attack the hero). When a denizen already attacking a hero is attack by a HN —it must attack the hired native instead. Likewise a hired native attacked by a denizen—cannot be reassigned.
  • Each unassigned HN, can lure one denizen to attack him. Hired native MAY NOT BE LURED.
  • If the HN has a horse he must play it (unless in a cave)
  • When the Hero’s attention chit is picked he may—Choose targets for his HN LEADERS, or position HN underlings on MELEE sections owned by monsters or battling natives. He cannot turn chits over.
  • The hero makes all HN plays in secret at the same time he does his own. HE can now turn them over *but not their horses). HE can also position denizens on his HN’s
  • HN’s on their own sheet – do not change tactics. HN’s on other sheets DO change tactics.
  • If a Hero has unhidden HN’s in a clearing with unhired natives (UN)—they may fight (even if hero is not present). Roll for battling natives. When an HN lures an unhired native (UN) battles begin.
  • TREACHERY – If the hero or targets one of his own HN’s (or uses another of his HN’s to target)—Other HN’s of the target’s group will rebel and attack the hero. FAME & NOTORIETY are lost accordingly.
  • DENIZEN VS. DENIZEN: The assigned denizen is the “attacker.” The other is “the defender.” Defender is owner of the melee section of the sheet.

MIDNIGHT – All weapons become unalerted. All face up map chits, except lost city and lost castle are turned face down. Curse are removed for heroes in the clearing in the chapel.



  • Record the “A” during Lets Hero decide which side of the weapon chit he wants up.
  • Weapons are more effective with alerted (red side) up.
  • Only active weapons may be alerted.


  • At end of each phase Monsters may block unhidden Heroes in their clearing.
  • At end of each phase Heroes may block prowling monsters in his clearing.
  • Monsters cannot find hidden heroes . But heroes can block other heroes they’ve discovered or unhidden heroes.
  • Heroes that are following – cannot block or be blocked while following.
  • Being blocked – unhides hero, ends remaining phases (or cancels entire turn), may buy or sell until the evening, may not buy or sell.
  • Monsters who are blocked, stop prowling and stop moving.
  • At end of turn when monsters arrive or move on map- blocking may occur.
  • Being blocked doesn’t mean others can’t block you, or you can’t block others.
  • Non-prowling monsters still block
  • Natives do not block (unless rolled on meeting table). Natives can not be blocked.


  • Record “T” for trade during Birdsong
  • Hero must choose a leader to buy from
  • May only buy 1 item per trade activity.
  • May look at all the items in the box—then specifies which item he wants. For treasure cards, indicate which position treasure card is in. Do not reveal unless buy is successful.
  • Roll on table and use results.
  • Hero may move up one column on buy table by buying drinks for natives (but not visitors). 1 GP/Native counter on clearing.
  • Hero may pay with gold or by trading in belongings (valued at basic price).
  • Treasures purchased must be shown to others. And items may add or subtract fame.


  • Record “E” during Birdsong


  • Record “Fl” during Birdsong


  • Record “F” for following during Birdsong
  • Take follower attention chit on guide’s hero sheet.
  • If guide hides. So do followers
  • Each follower who can do the move with guide. Those who can’t are left behind. Bonus moves do not leave followers behind.
  • If guide searches and discovers things—followers do too. If he loots—Only guide gets rewards.
  • If guide rests or alerts—followers may also do the same.
  • If the guide does anything else – Followers do nothing.
  • Guide can share bonus phases with his followers.
  • Followers may stop at any phase—return to map—and they play out the rest of their turn.
  • Followers stop following after guide does last activity of his turn.



  • Record “H” during Birdsong
  • Hidden characters remain hidden until start of next turn when their attention chit is drawn.
  • They may perform any action hidden, but if they block are unhidden.
  • Hidden they are safe from denizens
  • Other characters have to use search to find them.


  • Record “HR” for hire during Birdsong and note one native group in clearing (NOTE: this action may be voluntarily cancelled).
  • Roll on Meeting table to determine price (Hero can buy drinks to improve chances).
  • Payment must be made in GOLD only.
  • All Natives in clearing from group must be hired (and are hired with one Hire phase action). EXCEPT: Rogue or Order can only be hired 1 native/hire action. These Natives are hired by highest ID CODE first (E.g. O3 before O2, etc. HQ chit is always last).
  • Hired natives last for 14 days (including day they were hired).
  • Hero may REHIRE Natives, by using another Hire action. This adds 14 more days.
  • Hired natives cannot be traded with and do not summon visitor or mission chits.
  • Hired natives DO NOT return to appearance chart when their row is prowling at week’s end.
  • In combat, Hired natives are not members of their group. They are controlled by Hero.
  • When a hired native is killed in combat—Hero loses Notoriety points = Native’s Notoriety bounty.
  • Hired natives move by following the Hero.
  • Natives who are “unhired” remain in the clearing this occurs.
  • Hired natives behave as if they were Hero (monsters will attack that are attackinghero, uses same trade relations, etc.) NOTE! EXCEPT: When rolling on a table, does not use HERO’s modifiers.
  • Hero gains any FAME or NOTORIETY His Hireling earns.
  • HIRED LEADERS – Are treated like another Hero. He gets his own PH SHEET.
    • Use a RED 1-6 chit for his attention chit.
    • Any FAME or NOTORIETY he gains or loses are given to the hiring HERO.
    • He can make discoveries, carry equip, gain gold, and can buy/sell and trade, can be followed.
    • He can use any action (though only his followers may take advantage of his Alert and Rest, and gets all normal action rules)
    • Hidden Enemies are ticked on his sheet, NOT hero’s sheet.
  • UNDERLINGS – Non-leader hired natives cannot carry belongings, make discoveries. They can ONLY Follow—and when following may only MOVE and HIDE. They may follow ANY guides (not just hero).
    • Hidden natives (and horses) turn dark side up. Like heroes they are auto-unhidden at
    • The GUIDE can use the strength of underlings following him to carry items or open the Vault, or Crypt. He cannot use them to loot the Pool or the Cairns.


  • Record “M or MX” (for mountains) + tile name AND clearing # during Birdsong
  • To move equipment must have an ACTIVE move chit with ENC/SIZE letter or lower than rest of equipment or a horse that can do this. Player musty point to chit they are using. If unable to show appropriate chit, player must abandon equipment over weight limit. Player must still move.
  • To move into a mountain requires 2 moves in a row. The hero enters mountains on second phase of move.
  • Mountain move requirements are used when moving from one mountain clearing to another.
  • Horses—Horse bonus moves may never be first recorded move, and cannot be used two Moves in a row.
  • Caves – Only 1 move required. Player may not use sunlight phases if they begin or move into a cave.
  • Horses may be used to enter cave but immediately become inactive (put on right side). Horses are inactivated at END of move (so can be ridden to the cave).


  • Record “R” during Birdsong
  • When asked to fatigue – must move one chit with 1 asterisk (*) to the right (and made inactive).
  • If player has only double asterisk chits (**) – can make change- by moving one single asterisk chit back to the left. But must be of same type he had fatigued. If unable, he must lost extra. Player may combine several chits to make up losses.
  • When wounding—a chit is flipped and put on the right (inactive) side of the character sheet.
  • If all chits are inactive and hero takes fatigue, chits become wounded.
  • Rest recovers chits. Player may activate a wounded chit (move left) with NO asterisks on it. He may take one inactive (fatigued) single asterisk chit is moved back to left side of sheet, OR may flip over wounded single asterisk chit. For two asterisk chits, player must make change from active chits on left side.
  • If all chits are wounded—and asked to fatigue—Hero is killed
  • If all chits are wounded or fatigued, player must take the Rest activity.
  • If unable to use Rest command and all chits are inactive/wounded – Hero is killed.


  • Record “S” during Birdsong
  • Hero may search in any clearing with a SITE CHIT he has discovered. He may loot the site.
  • In a mountain – May search any clearing in hero’s tile & any adjacent tile’s clearing.
  • Discovered “clues”= face down map chits. Site chits are not discovered this way, just located.
  • Discoveries of paths are marked on the PH SHEET. Hidden Paths, once discovered, can always be used.
  • To Loot – Roll on table—Count down from top. If number is higher than number of available items—nothing is looted.
  • Abandoned belongings are looted without having to discover them.
  • If a player loots a face down site chit—he must turn it face up for all to see. And then turns it face down again.
  • Three special sites. The Cairns—To loot Fatigue 1 Asterisk (*). The Pool – Fatigue 1 Asterisk (*) EACH time a Hero successfully loots the site. The Vault – The first time the Hero must play a chit (which gets fatigued), horse or treasure card with T strength. Now any hero may loot it.


  • Record “T” for trade during Birdsong
  • Natives will always buy and can afford anything.
  • Hero specifies one Native leader in clearing and decides if he will buy or sell.
  • This activity MAY be cancelled voluntarily.
  • Native leaders own the items in his set-up card box.
  • Player reveals belongings to sell and adds price of each. Treasure value is # in bold, lower right corner.
  • Items sold are placed in the box.
  • Note—Damaged armor has special price on list. But sold armor is immediately undamaged.


  • Before any phase. You may rearrange freely.
  • May trade with other characters in a clearing
  • Followers may only trade with each other or their guide.
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