Magic Realm Rules 2 Edition Index

Perhaps the only disappointment with the much expanded, 2nd
Edition rulebook for MAGIC REALM was the lack of an index (or
even table of contents) for this massive work. Being a fan of the
game, and never one to back off from a challenge, I crafted one. For
the past two years, I have been providing copies of it to local players
of the game. Now, it is hoped it may also prove as useful to the
readership of The GENERAL.
The index was inspired by and patterned after, the one found in the
rulebook for Advanced SQUAD LEADER. It has been designed to
additionally serve as a “style book” for those writing about MAGIC
REALM, as each entry has been listed in the same form in which it is
used in the rules. Terms which should be italicized or capitalized
have been entered accordingly. Most of the references included in
this index are prefixed with a short identifier. The references for the
various game day “periods” (Birdsong, Sunrise, Daylight, etc.)
constitute a special case, as I’ve elected to simply list rule in which
the term appears rather than try to formulate meaningful identifiers
for these.
Format for the index is as follows:
Entry (any detailed description/definition): main rule references
[other applications of entry] references to related rules, illustrations,
The 2nd Edition rulebook has a few instances of duplicate rule
numbers and mis-numbered rules. In all such cases, this index uses
what would be the correct numbering (in anticipation of a corrected
reprinting in the future). If you find my index referring to an
apparently non-existent rule number, a close look at you rulebook
should quickly indicate what it should be. You may also notice that
the index can be quite redundant at time. This is due in part to the
“programmed” nature of the rules – four separate “Encounters”, each
modifying or repeating rules from the previous sections – and in part
to my desire to err on the side of completeness. I’d much prefer being
accused of including too much than of omitting something crucial.
So, below first find a brief “Table of Contents” for the 2nd Edition
rulebook of MAGIC REALM, I have assigned alpha-prefixes to most
of the adjunct material (“G”, “P”, etc.); if no letter prefix appears, the
rule will be found among those under one of the four encounters.
This is carried throughout the index proper which follows. I solicit
any comments, suggestions or (especially) notification of any
remaining errors that readers may have. Hopefully, this index will
prove as useful for you as it has for us.
Page Prefix Rules Sections
3 “G” A Guide To The Playing Pieces
6 “P” Prepare For Play
10 First Encounter: Treasure Hunt
22 Second Encounter: The Monsters Attack!
32 Third Encounter: War!
42 Fourth Encounter: Magic
53 “A” Advanced Rules
54 “O” Optional Rules
59 “E” Expanding The Realm
Rules Page
G1. The Map……………………………………………………………………..3
G2. Denizens……………………………………………………………………..3
G3. Belongings and Spell Cards……………………………………………4
G4. The Treasure Set Up Card ……………………………………………..5
G5. Character Pieces …………………………………………………………..5
G6. Personal History Pad …………………………………………………….6
P1. Setting Up The Treasure Set Up Card ……………………………..6
P2. Constructing The Map…………………………………………………..7
P3. Selecting Characters ……………………………………………………..8
P4. Visitor/Mission Chits ……………………………………………………8
P5. Map Chits……………………………………………………………………8
P6. Dwellings ……………………………………………………………………9
P7. Spell Cards ………………………………………………………………….9
1. Summary Of Play ……………………………………………………….10
2. The Characters …………………………………………………………..11
3. Belongings ………………………………………………………………..12
4. Winning The Game …………………………………………………….13
5. The Hidden Realm ……………………………………………………..14
6. Activities And Phases………………………………………………….15
7. Movement …………………………………………………………………16
8. Hiding ………………………………………………………………………16
9. Searching…………………………………………………………………..16
10. Trading ……………………………………………………………………..17
11. Fatigue, Wounds, and Rest …………………………………………..18
12. The Denizens……………………………………………………………..18
13. Blocking ……………………………………………………………………20
14. Sunset, Evening and Midnight………………………………………20
15. Curses, Wishes and The Power Of The Pit ……………………..21
16. Sharing Information…………………………………………………….21
17. Summary Of The Second Encounter ……………………………..22
18. Armor, Weapons and Alerting………………………………………23
19. Monsters……………………………………………………………………24
20. Summary Of Combat…………………………………………………..24
21. Playing Pieces In Combat…………………………………………….25
22. A Round Of Combat……………………………………………………26
23. Inflicting Harm…………………………………………………………..28
24. Special Monsters ………………………………………………………..31
25. Running Away……………………………………………………………31
26. Summary Of The Third Encounter ………………………………..32
27. Following ………………………………………………………………….33
28. Blocking Characters ……………………………………………………34
29. Natives………………………………………………………………………34
30. Battling Natives………………………………………………………….35
31. Hiring ……………………………………………………………………….36
32. Using Hired Natives ……………………………………………………36
33. Denizens In Combat ……………………………………………………38
34. War…………………………………………………………………………..39
35. Spoils Of War…………………………………………………………….41
36. Missions And Campaigns…………………………………………….41
37. Summary Of The Fourth Encounter……………………………….42
38. The Elements Of Magic……………………………………………….44
39. Enchanting…………………………………………………………………45
40. Obtaining Spells …………………………………………………………45
41. Casting Spells …………………………………………………………….46
42. Varieties Of Spells………………………………………………………47
43. Spell Effects ………………………………………………………………48
44. Stopping, Nullifying and Ending Spells………………………….49
45. Pacifying, Hiring and Controlling Denizens ……………………50
46. Transmorphizing ………………………………………………………..51
47. Special Movement ………………………………………………………51
48. Artifacts, Spell Books and Treasures With Spells…………….52
A1. Caching …………………………………………………………………….53
A2. Pack Horses ……………………………………………………………….53
A3. Dropping Belongings…………………………………………………..53
A4. Advanced Combat and Magic……………………………………….54
O1. Optional Abilities ……………………………………………………….54
O2. Seasons and Weather …………………………………………………..54
O3. Quiet Monsters …………………………………………………………..55
O4. Commerce …………………………………………………………………55
O5. Optional Combat Rules ……………………………………………….56
O6. Automatic Enchanting …………………………………………………56
O7. Enchanted Artifacts and Spell Books……………………………..57
O8. Enhanced Magic …………………………………………………………57
E1. Solitaire Play ……………………………………………………………..59
E2. Changing The Game Time……………………………………………59
E3. Sudden Death Game ……………………………………………………59
E4. Multiple Characters …………………………………………………….59
E5. Development ……………………………………………………………..60
E6. Combining Realms ……………………………………………………..60
see belongings
ABSORB ESSENCE spell: 46.1 [strength: 46.6] see also page 73
action chits: G5.5; 2.5; 11.1 [fatigued: 11.2] [making change: 11.6]
[REST: 11.4] [use in combat: 21.1/1] [wounded: 11.3; 23.4]
see also FIGHT chits, MAGIC chits, MOVE chits, and
illustrations on page 5
actions: see encounter step
active: [action chits: 2.5; 11.1] [belongings: 3.1] [special functions:
3.2/2] [weapons: 18.1]
activities: 2.2; 6.1 [cancel: 6.5/1; 6.5/3; 43.3] [enhanced: 6.1/1;
6.4&1a; 43.3] [HIDE: 8,5] [impossible: 6.4/3] [order of
execution: 6.5] [phases: 6.3; 43.3] [recording: 2.2/1] [secret:
2.1/1; 16.4] [transmorphized: 46.3] see also PERSONAL
HISTORY sheet, phases, and “ACTIVITIES” on page 80
ALCHEMIST’S MIXTURE: see pages 68 and 72
ALERT activity: 17.2; 37.6 [FLY: A4.4] [FOLLOW: 27.6/4] [hired
leaders: 32.2/3] [preparing a MAGIC chit: 38.3/3] [recording:
Amazon: see page 61
ambush: A4.2
AMULET: [duplicate spells: 44.5/3] [removing Curses: 15.2/4] see
also pages 67 and 70
ANCIENT TELESCOPE: see pages 67 and 69
APPEARANCE CHART: 12.1/2 [summoning: 12.2/2]
Archers: [ambush not allowed: A4.2] [die roll modifier: 34.7/4b]
[resolving hits: 34.7/4] see also page 67
armor: 3.5; 18.6; 21.7; O5.5 [damaged: 18.7/1; 18.8; O5.5]
[destroyed: 18.7/1; 18.9; O5.5] [protection: 18.7; 23.1/2;
23.3/2; 23.4/3; 24.3/3; 24.5; O5.5] [resolving hits: 23.3/2;
O5.5] [shield: 21.7/2; 22.4/2] [toughness: 18.7] see also
PRICE LISTS, and “ARMOR” on page 65
armor cards: 18.6 [damaged: 18.7/2] [destroyed: 18.7/2; 18.9/2]
[protection: 23.3/2] see also armor
armor counter: G3.4 see also illustration on page 4
Artifacts: G4.5; 3.4/7; 38.5; O7.1 [active: 48.1] [awakened spells:
40.3; O7.2] [casting a spell: 48.2; O7.1; O7.2] [combined
Realms: E6.9] [committed: 48.3; O8.2] [spell breaking:
48.3/2] [use limits: 48.8]
ASHES Curse: 15.2/3
ASK DEMON spell: see page 73
Assassins: see page 67
assignments: 20.4; 22.2; 23.7; 25.3; 34.2 [random: 34.3/2]
asterisk: see effort asterisk
Attack spells: 42.2; 42.4; 43.1 [conflicting: 44.4/2] [duplicates:
attack time: 18.5; 19.3/2; 20.5/1 [weapons: 21.6/1]
attacker: 33.1
attacks: 20.5/1; 22.4/2a; 34.1/1; 34.6/2; O5.3 [bowmen: 34.7/4]
[denizens: 32.7/2b; 32.7/3a; 33.2; 33.3/2] [effects: 20.7/2]
[first round: 22.7/1] [hired natives: 32.7/1] [misses: 22.6/3]
[monsters: 22.5/4; 23.3] [red-side-up Tremendous monsters:
32.7/2b; 33.8; 34.7/7] [resolving attacks: 22.6; 33.6; 34.7]
[resolving hits: 20.7/1; 22.7; 23.3; 23.4] [simultaneous attacks:
23.5; 23.6/3] [spellcasting: 41.6] [undercutting: 20.7/1a;
22.6/1; O5.3/2] see also combat, harm
ATTENTION chit: G5.4; 14.1; 14.2; 34.6/1 [attacking another
character: 34.7/1] [charge: 34.4/2] [selecting a target: 22.4/1;
34.2/1; 41.3; O5.3]
Axe: see pages 64 and 78
LUCK spell: see page 75
BANE Great Sword: see treasure counters
Bashkars: G2.4/1 [special price: O4.2]
basic score: 4.7/2
Bats: [riding: 45.6/5; 47.7] see also page 66
BATTLE BRACELETS: see pages 68 and 71
battling natives (an unhired native group fighting against a
character): 30.2 see also natives
BEAST PIPES: see pages 68, 71 and 78
BEJEWELLED DWARF VEST: 21.7/4 see also pages 68 and 72
belongings: G3.1; 3.1 [abandoning: 3.1/3; 6.5/2; A3.1] [drop: A3.2]
[during combat: 22.3/2] [enhanced or extra activities: 6.5/2; ;
6.5/3c] [hired leaders: 32.2/1] [ownership: 3.2; 3.3/3] [picking
up dropped belongings: A3.3; A3.4; A3.5; A3.6; O5.1]
[rearranging: 3.1/2; 6.5; 22.9/3; 27.4] [running away: 25.4]
[trading: 3.2/1] [transmorphized: 46.2/1] [unclaimed: A3.6]
see also active, CACHE activity, inactive, killing TRADE
activity and “STUMBLE” on page 57
BELT OF STRENGTH: see pages 67 and 70
BERSERK chit: G5.5/1 [fatigue: 11.6; 21.3/1a]
Berserker: see page 62
bewitch: see MAGIC chits
birdsong: 1.4/1; 2.2/1; 3.6/3; 6.2; 6.3/3a; 6.4/1a; 32.2/3; 43.3
BLACK BOOK: see page 68, 71 and 78
Black Knight: see page 63
BLACK magic (Demonic power, working infernal magic): 38.2 see
also color magic
BLASTED JEWEL: see pages 68, 71 and 78
BLAZING LIGHT spell: see page 73
BLEND INTO BACKGROUND spell: see page 72
blocking: 1.7; 6.5; 6.6; 13.1; 26.4; 28.3 [characters: 28.2; 28.5]
[controlled monsters: 45.6/3] [FOLLOW: 27.4] [HIDE: 8.6;
28.2/2; 28.3/1] [hired natives: 32.6] [hired monsters: 45.6/3]
[monsters: 13.4; 28.4] [mountains: 13.4/2] [prowling: 12.1/4]
[running away: 25.4]
bonus score: 4.7/3
BOOK OF LORE: see pages 68, 71 and 78
boon: 10.5/3
Boots cards: 3.4/5 see also Treasure cards
BORDERLAND tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/2; O6.2/3;
O6.2/4] [color magic: 38.2/5a] [map set up: P2.3] see also
map tiles
bounty points: 19.2/1 see also FAME, GOLD, NOTORIETY
breastplate: see pages 65 and 78
bridge: [crossing an open road: 7.2/3]
Broadsword: see pages 64 and 78
BROOMSTICK spell: see page 74
buildings (CHAPEL, GUARD house, HOUSE, INN): O2.2/3b
buy drinks: 10.5 [campaigns: 36.5/3] [HIRE: 30.3/1; 31.2/2; 45.4]
activity: A1.1 [death: A1.5] [discovering: A1.3] [looting:
A1.3/2] [recording: A1.2; A1.4]
CAIRNS: [hired leaders: 32.2/5b] [looting: 9.3/3a] [transmorphized:
46.4/3b] [underlings: 32.3/2]
WAR): G2.5; P4.1; 36.1; 36.5 [abandoning: 36.5/5] [combined
Realms: E6.7/4] [cost: 36.3] [effects: 36.5/3] [limitations:
36.5/2] [penalty: 36.3/2] [reward: 36.3/4] [taking: 36.2] [task:
36.5/1; 36.5/4] [time limit: 36.3/2]
campfires: [sheltered phases not allowed: O2.2/3b] [substitute chits:
Captain: [optional abilities: O1.3] see also page 62
carrying items: 3.3 [horse: 3.6/1] [MOVE: 7.8] [transmorphized:
cave clearing: G1.1/2 [FLY: 47.2/5; 47.3/1] [horses: 3.6/2; 6.3/3c;
7.7] [MOVE: 7.6] [phases: 6.3/2] [running away: 25.4/2]
[sheltered phases: O2.2/3b]
CAVERN tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3] [color magic:
38.2/5a] see also map tiles
CAVES tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3] [color magic: 38.2/5a]
see also map tiles
change tactics: 22.5/3; 24.4 [denizens: 33.5] [hired natives: 32.7/4f;
33.5/2] [native horses: 29.6/3] see also page 77
CHAPEL: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/1; O6.3/1] [removing
Curses: 15.2/4] [roadways: 38.2/5b] [sheltered phases:
O2.2/3b] [WHITE magic: 38.2/3]
character card: G5.2 see also illustration on page 5
character counter: G5.3; 2.3; 7.1 [FOLLOW: 27.3] [HIDE: 8.1]
characters: G5.1; P3.1 [blocking: 13.2; 28.1] [combat: 17.5/3]
[combined Realms: E6.4/2] [death: 2.7; 11.7] [hit in combat:
20.7/2b; 23.3/3] [kills by: 35.1] [leaving the map: 2.8/2; 7.9]
[luring: 20.4/1; 22.2/1; 22.2/2; 24.5/1; 30.4; 34.3/1] [multiple
characters: E4.1] [no active action chits: 11.7] [optional
abilities: O1.1] [suicide: 2.8/1] [transmorphized: 46.1/1]
[vulnerability: 23.3/3] see also Development, Special
Advantages and “LIST OF CHARACTERS” on page 61
CHEST: G3.5/2 see also pages 67, 69 and 70
clearings: G1.1/2; 2.3
CLIFF tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3] [color magic: 38.2/5a]
see also map tiles
CLOAK OF MIST: see pages 68 and 69
CLOVEN HOOF: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/1; O6.3/5] see also
pages 68, 70 and 71
color chits: 37.2; 39.4 [casting a spell: 41.2/4] [energizing a
Permanent spell: 42.9/2] [fatigue: 41.2/4a; 41.7; 42.9/2]
[playing without energizing: 42.9/2c] [transmorphized: 46.4/2]
see also MAGIC chits, SPELL activity
color magic (WHITE, GREY, GOLD, PURPLE, BLACK) 37.1/1;
38.2 [Enchanted cards: 38.2/2] [enchanted chits: 38.3/4; 39.4]
[enchanted tiles: 37.3; 38.2/5] [fly away: 47.4/2b] [seventh
day of each week: 38.2/4; O2.2/6; O6.2; E2.3; E2.4/2]
[walking the woods: 47.8/2]
combat: 17.4; 17.5; 20.3; 34.1; 34.2 [alerted monsters: A4.1]
[ambush: A4.2] [casting a spell: 41.1] [denizens: 33.4/2]
[disengagement: 32.8; 34.8] [ending combat: 20.9; 22.9;
24.5/3; 29.7; 32.9; 34.9; 41.8] [first round: 22.7/1] [flying:
47.4] [hidden characters: 17.5/2] [hired natives: 29.6/2a; 32.7;
33.4/1] [horses: 21.5; O5.3] [illegal plays: 21.4] [quiet
monsters: O3.5] [running away: 22.9/2; O5.1] [unhired
natives: 30.1; 30.5; 30.6] see also encounter step, fatigue step,
melee step
Combat spells: 42.7 [competing: 44.3]
Combining Realms: E6.1 [Artifacts: E6.9] [campaigns: E6.7/4]
[characters: E6.4/2] [FAME price: E6.7/2] [looting: E6.6]
[LOST KEYS: E6.6] [missions: E6.7/3] [MONSTER ROLL:
E6.5] [natives: E6.7] [Potions: E6.8] [SET UP CARD: E6.3]
[Spell Books: E6.9] [weather: E6.5/2]
Company: G2.4/1 [special price: O4.2]
competing spells (duplicates of the same spell cast on the same
target): 44.3 see also spells
completition time: 41.2/2 [coming to life: 41.4] [time number
limitations: 41.2/3]
conflicting spells (different spells that inflict mutually exclusive
effects on the same target): 44.4 see also spells
CONQUER chit: 36.5/1f [time limit: 36.3/2a] see also campaigns
CONTROL BATS spell: see page 75
controlled monsters: 45.5 [combat: 45.7] [like hired leader: 45.6]
[MOVE: 45.6/4; 47.6] [riding: 45.6/5; 47.7]
CRAG tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/2; O6.2/3; O6.2/4] [color
magic: 38.2/5a] see also map tiles
CRONE: see visitors and page 78
Crossbow: see pages 64 and 78
Crossbowmen: [ambush not allowed: A4.2] [armored: 34.7/5]
[resolving hits: 34.7/4] see also page 67
CRYPT OF THE KNIGHT: G3.5/2 [hired leaders: 32.2/5b]
[looting: 9.3/3b] [transmorphized: 46.4/3b] [underlings:
32.3/2] see also pages 68 and 69
CRYSTAL BALL: see also pages 74 and 75
CURSE spell: see also pages 74 and 75
Curses: 15.2 [end of game: 44.6] [removing: 15.2/4; 15.4/4] see also
page 75
SEQUENCE OF PLAY: see also pages 10, 22, 32 and 43
dagger: 21.6/2; 23.2/1c see also page 64
DAY (TURN) chit: G4.7
Day spells: 42.7 [competing: 44.3; 45.2/3]
Daylight: 1.4/2; 2.2/3; 3.1/2; 3.6/3; 6.2; 14.4; 19.1/4; 22.1; 29.6/1;
29.6/2; 30.3/2; 31.4; 34.1/3; 45.6; A3.4
DEAL WITH GOBLINS spell: see also page 75
DEEP WOODS tile: see map tiles
defender: 33.1
DEFT GLOVES: see also pages 68, 70 and 71
Demons: 24.3 [riding not allowed: 45.6/5b] [spellcasting: 41.4/1b;
A4.3] see also page 66
denizens: G2.1; 12.1 [assigning: 33.1; 33.7] [attacks: 32.7/2b;
32.7/3a; 33.2; 33.3/2] [blocking: 13.3; 45.2/2] [CACHE:
A1.3/3] [chance meetings: 12.2] [combat: 33.4/2; 33.7; 34.6/3]
[disengagement: 34.8] [groups: 12.2/2; 12.3] [pacified: 45.2;
45.3; 45.4] see also prowling and illustrations on page 3
Development: G5.2/2; 40.1/1; E5.1 [increase: E5.4] [Special
Advantages: E5.2/1; E5.4/3] [trading relationships: E5.2/2]
DEVIL Broadsword: see treasure counters
die roll: 2.6 [Archers: 34.7/4b] [hired natives: 32.1/1] [modified
rolls: 2.6/1; 43.3] [“game” die rolls: 2.6/2] see also “DIE
ROLL PROCEDURES” on pages 30, 65 and 79
discoveries: 5.3 [locations: 5.3/1] [revealing: 16.4] [SEARCH: 9.2/2;
39.5/4] [selling: 14.3/1] [Site cards: 5.5/1] see also
PERSONAL HISTORY sheet, spying
DISGUST Curse: 15.2/3
DISSOLVE SPELL spell: see page 74
dormant: 1.6; 12.1
DRAGON ESSENCE: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3; O6.3/4] see
also pages 68, 69 and 71
DRAGONFANG NECKLACE: 48.7 see also pages 68, 72 and 75
Dragons: [armored: 23.2] [heads: 19.2/3; 24.6; 46.2/1b; A4.6]
[riding: 45.6/5; 47.7] see also page 66
DRAUGHT OF SPEED: see also pages 68 and 70
Druid: [optional abilities: O1.6] see also page 63
DUCK chit: G5.5/1 [fatigue: 11.6; 21.3/1a]
Dwarf: see page 61
Dwellings: G1.3; G4.2/3; P6.1 [native groups: 12.3] [native items set
up: P1.3/4]
asterisk: G5.5/3 [effort limit: 21.1/2; 21.3/1b; 41.2/4b; 41.4/2;
41.7] [fatigue: 11.2] [REST: 11.4] [wound equivalents: 11.3]
see also action chits, fatigue wounds
Type VIII MAGIC chit (Malicious tricks): 38.2 see also MAGIC
ELEMENTAL SPIRIT spell: see page 73
Elf: [optional abilities: O1.7] see also page 63
ELUSIVE CLOAK: see also pages 68 and 71
ELVEN SLIPPERS: see also pages 68 and 70
ELVIN GRACE spell: see page 72
ENCHANT ARTIFACT spell: see page 74
Enchanted cards (Treasure cards displaying the name of a color
printed in red): 3.4/3; 37.1/1; 38.2/2 [automatic enchanting:
O6.2; O6.3] [roadways: 38.2/2b; 38.2/5b; O6.3; O6.4]
[transmorphized: 46.2/1a]
enchanted chits: see MAGIC chits
ENCHANTED MEADOW: G3.5/2 see also pages 68 and 69
enchanted tiles: see map tiles
ENCHANTER’S SKULL: see also pages 68, 71 and 78
enchantments: 37.3; 39.1 [automatic: O6.1] see also SPELL activity
encounter step: 20.3; 22.1 [alerted monsters: A4.1] [alerting a
weapon: 18.4/3] [assigning: 20.4; 22.2; 23.7; 25.3; 34.3/2]
[casting a spell: 37.7; 41.2] [character actions: 20.4/2; 22.3;
34.4/2a; 34.5; A3.5] [charge: 34.4] [denizens: 33.1; 33.7; 33.9]
[deployment: 26.5/1; 34.4] [first character: 22.1; 34.1/3] [hired
natives: 32.7/3; 32.8; 34.5/2] [red-side-up Tremendous
monsters: 24.5/2a; 33.8; 33.9; 34.3/1; 34.7/7; 41.2/3b; 47.4/2a;
A3.5/2] [time number limitations: 21.1/1; 41.2/3] see also
running away and “ACTIONS” on page 77
end of week: see seventh day of each week
enchanted PEER: see PEER activity
ESCORT PARTY chit: [task: 36.4/1b; O2.2/5] [time limit: 36.3/2b]
see also mission
Evening: 1.8; 3.1/2; 14.2; 17.4; 17.5; 19.1/2; 30.3/2; 31.4; 34.1; 37.7;
41.1; 48.8; 48.7/1; O7.1/2; O8.2
examples of play: [ARMOR: page 30] [DENIZEN VERSUS
DENIZEN: page 38] [MONSTERS: page 20] [RESOLVING
EXORCISE spell: see page 72
EYE OF THE IDOL: see pages 68, 71 and 78
EYE OF THE MOON: 48.7 see also pages 68, 72 and 75
EYEMIST Curse: [recording activities: 15.2/1]
LIGHTS spell: see page 73
FAME (how much a character is admired or despised): 2.4/4a
[bounty points: 23.6; 35.1; 35.2] [hired natives: 32.1/2] [hired
or controlled monsters: 45.8] [revealing: 16.4] [treachery:
32.7/6; 45.8] see also VICTORY REQUIREMENTS
FAME price (on a Treasure card, the name of a native group, a
number, and “F” all within parentheses): G3.5/1a; 4.6
[combined Realms: E6.7/2] [special price: O4.2/4] [TRADE:
10.6] [trading relationships: O4.4/3]
FAME value (on a Treasure card, the word “FAME:” followed by a
number): G3.5/1a
fatigue: 11.2; 21.3/1 [carrying items: 3.3/1] [chits with no effort
asterisks: 11.2/3] [chits with two effort asterisks: 11.2/2]
[MAGIC chits: 38.3/3; 38.3/4a] [REST: 11.4]
fatigue step: 20.3; 20.8; 22.8
FIERY BLAST spell: see page 73
FIGHT chits: [alerting a weapon during combat: 22.3/1; 34.5]
[attack time: 26.1/1] [strength restrictions: 21.1/3] see also
dagger, Gloves cards
first character: see encounter step
Type V MAGIC chit (Diabolic ceremonies): 38.2 see also MAGIC
FLOWERS OF REST: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/4; O6.3/3] see
also pages 68, 69, 70 and 71
FLY activity: 47.2 [abandon items: 47.2/3; A3.1/2] [ALERT: A4.4]
[cancel: 47.2/2] [caves: 47.2/5; 47.3/1] [combat: 47.4] [effects:
47.2/3] [FOLLOW: 47.2/4] [landing: 47.3] [monsters: 45.6/4]
[PEER: A4.4] [recording: 47.2/1] [running away: 47.4/2;
FLYING CARPET: 47.1/2; 47.5/2; 48.7 [spellbreaking: 48.7/2] see
also pages 68, 72 and 75
FLY chit: 42.5; 47.5 [conflicting: 44.4/2b] [riding not allowed: 47.7]
FOG spell: see page 72
FOLLOW activity: 26.2; 27.1 [ALERT: 27.6/4] [blocking: 27.4]
[declaring: 27.3] [extra phases: 27.7] [FLY: 47.2/4; 47.6]
[HIDE: 27.2/1; 27.6/1a; 27.6/2] [HIRE: 27.6/5] [hired leaders:
32.2/6] [MOVE: 27.6] [mutual: 27.3/2] [natives: 31.4; 32.3]
[pony: 27.6/1b] [recording: 27.2] [REST: 27.6/4] [SEARCH:
27.6/3] [stopping: 27.5; 27.8] [spying: 27.3/3] [TRADE:
27.6/5] [trading: 27.4] [walking the woods: 47.8/1]
FOOD/ALE chit: [task: 36.4/1a; O2.2/5] [time limit: 36.3/2b] see
also mission
Type IV MAGIC chit (Energy-binding alchemy): 38.3 see also
MAGIC chits
FUMBLE table: see page 57
time: 1.3 [changing the game time: E2.1] [sudden death game:
GARB OF SPEED: see pages 68 and 70
GARRISONS: G4.3; P6.3 [campaigns: 36.5/2] [prowling: 12.1/1]
[regeneration: 26.2/1; 29.8/2]
Ghosts: P6.1 [prowling: 12.1/1] [regeneration: 12.7/1] see also page
Giants: [clubs: 19.2/3; 24.6; 46.2/1b] see also page 66
GIRTLE OF ENERGY: see pages 68 and 71
GLIMMERING RING: see pages 68, 71 and 78
Gloves cards: 3.4/6 see also Treasure cards
GLOVES OF STRENGTH: see pages 68 and 71
GLOWING GEM: see pages 68, 71 and 78
Goblins: [Spears: 24.2] see also page 66
GOLD (coins and loose jewels): 2.4/4b [bounty: 35.1; 35.2/2]
[transmorphized: 46.2/1a] see also CACHE activity, killing,
GOLD helmet: see treasure counters
GOLD magic (Woods Sprites, working elvish magic): 38.2 see
also color magic
GOLD price: 10.2 [trading between characters: 14.3]
GOLDEN ARM BAND: 21.7/4 see also pages 68 and 72
GOLDEN CROWN: 21.7/4 see also pages 68 and 72
GOLDEN ICON: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/2; O6.3/2] see also
pages 68 and 71
GOOD BOOK: see pages 68, 71 and 78
Great Axe: see pages 64 and 78
Great Axemen: see page 67
Great Sword: see pages 64 and 78
Great Swordsmen: [armored: 34.7/5] see also page 67
Great Treasures (Treasure cards with red dots): see VICTORY
GREY magic (Natural Laws, controlling nature): 38.2 see also color
GRIPPING DUST: see pages 68 and 71
Guard: G2.4/1 [regeneration: 26.6/1; 29.8/2c] [special price: O4.2/3]
see also GARRISONS
GUARD house: [sheltered phases: O2.2/3b]
GUIDE SPIDER OR OCTOPUS spell: see page 75
GLOVES: see pages 68 and 71
harm: 23.1; O5.4 [armor: 18.7; 23.1/2; 23.3/2; O5.5] [bowmen:
34.7/4] [characters: 23.3/3] [horses: 21.5/2; 23.3/1]
[modifying: 18.5/2; 23.1/1; 23.2/1; 34.7/4; O5.4; O5.5]
[monsters: 19.3/1] [natives: 34.7] [red-side-up Tremendous
monsters: 24.5; 34.7/7] [simultaneous attacks: 23.5] [weapons:
18.5/1] [wounds: 21.3/2; 23.3/2b; 23.3/3; O5.5/1] see also
helmet: see pages 65 and 78
hex tiles: see map tiles
hidden enemies: 9.2/3 [attacking: 26.5/2] [blocking: 26.4/1; 28.2/2;
28.2/3; 28.3/2] [FOLLOW: 27.6/1a] [MAGIC SIGHT: 43.6/3]
[not allowed: 34.2/3] [revealing: 16.4] [selling not allowed:
14.3/1d] [spying: 16.5]
hidden path: G1.1/3 [enchanted tiles: 39.5/4] [FOLLOW: 27.6/1c]
[MOVE: 7.2/2] [walking the woods: 47.7/1] see also
HIDDEN RING: see pages 68, 71 and 78
HIDE activity: 8.4 [activities: 8.5] [blocking: 8.6] [character
counter: 8.1] [combat: 17.5/2; 22.4/1b; 26.5/2; 34.2/4; A4.1]
[FLY: 47.2/3] [FOLLOW: 27.2/1; 27.6/2] [luring: 22.2/2b;
22.2/3b] [prowling monsters: 12.2/1] [recording: 8.4] [start of
game: 8.2] [start of turn: 8.3] [summoning monsters: 12.5/1;
17.3] [TRADE: 10.3] [voluntary appearance: 8.7; 34.2/4] see
also “HIDE TABLE” on page 80
HIGH PASS tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3] [color magic:
38.2/5a] [map set up: P2.3/2e] see also map tiles
HIRE activity: 26.3; 31.1 [becoming unhired: 31.5; 32.2/1b; 35.5]
[cancel: 31.2] [controlled monsters: 45.6/1a] [eligible natives:
31.2/1] [FOLLOW: 27.6/5] [leaders: 29.3/2] [monsters:
45.4/1] [pacified denizens: 45.3; 45.4] [PRICE: 31.2/2]
[recording: 31.2] [rehiring: 31.2/4] [term of hire: 31.2/3] see
also buy drinks, treachery
hired leaders: 26.3/2; 32.2 [becoming unhired: 32.2/1b]
[belongings: 32.2/1] [discoveries: 32.2/5] [FOLLOW: 27.1/2;
32.2/6] [HIDE: 32.2/4] [spells: 40.10] [TRADE: 32.2/4;
45.4/2] [trading: 32.2/2] see also using hired natives
hired monsters: 45.6 [combat: 45.7] [MOVE: 45.6/4] [underling:
horse counter: G3.2 [galloping (counter side with asterisk): 3.6]
[walking (counter side without asterisk): 3.6] see also
illustration on page 4
horses: 3.6 [carrying items: 3.6/1] [caves: 3.6/2; 6.3/3c; 7.7]
[combat: 21.5; 23.3/1; 23.4/3; 24.3/3; 24.5; O5.2; O5.3] [extra
phases: 3.6/3; 6.3/3] [galloping: 21.5] [inactive horse
movement: 3.6/4] [killed: 3.6/5; 35.1/3] [natives: 26.5/3;
34.1/4] [vulnerability: 23.3/1] see also native horse counter,
native horses, pack horses, ponies, PRICE LISTS, warhorses,
workhorses and “HORSES” on page 65
HOUSE: [sheltered phases: O2.2/3b]
HURRICANE WINDS spell: see page 73
code (for natives): G2.4
ILL HEALTH Curse: [causing death: 11.7] [recording activities:
ILLUSION spell: see page 73
IMPERIAL TABARD: see page 68
Imps: 24.3 [spellcasting: 41.4/1b] see also page 66
INN: [sheltered phases: O2.2/3b]
inactive: [action chits: 2.5; 11.1] [belongings: 3.1] [special
functions: 3.2/2]
Instant spells: 42.2; 42.3 [conflicting: 44.4/2a] [duplicates: 44.3/3]
items (all belongings except horses): G3.1
shield: see treasure counters
joining a game in progress: 2.7/1; E2.5
17.5/5 [belongings: 35.1/2; 35.2/2; 35.3; 35.4] [bounty
points: 23.6; 31.5/3; 35.1; 35.2; 35.6; 43.4] [cancelled attacks:
23.4/1; 23.4/2] [characters: 23.3/3; 23.7; 31.5/2] [GOLD:
35.1/2; 35.2/2; 35.3; 35.4] [grudges and gratitude: O4.4]
[horses: 17.5/5] [monsters: 12.6; 23.2/2] [natives: 29.7]
[spells: 40.1/2] [visitors: 12.6] [with a spell: 43.4]
Knights: [visitors: 12.6] [Tremendous move strength and
vulnerability: 29.2] see also page 67
(individual): see page 67
Lancers (native group): G2.4/1 [special price: O4.2/2]
LEDGES tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3] [color magic:
38.2/5a] [map set up: P2.3/2c] see also map tiles
Light Bow: see pages 64 and 78
LIGHTNING BOLT spell: see page 73
LIVING Thrusting Sword: see treasure counters
LOCATE table (close examination): 9.2 see also page 80
LOOT table: 5.4; 9.3 [abandoned belongings: 9.3/1] [caches: A1.3]
[CAIRNS: 9.3/3a] [CRYPT OF THE KNIGHT: 9.3/3b]
[POOL: 9.3/3a] [revealing cards: 9.3/6] [Site cards: 5.5/1]
[spying: 16.5/2b] [VAULT: 9.3/3b] see also page 80
LOST CASTLE chit: G1.2; 5.1/1b [exchange: 12.5/2] [summoning
monsters: 12.5]
LOST CITY chit: G1.2; 5.1/1b [exchange: 12.5/2] [summoning
monsters: 12.5]
LOST KEYS: 9.3/3b [combined Realms: E6.6] see also pages 68
and 70
LOST spell: see pages 73 and 76
LUCKY CHARM: see pages 68 and 70
lunar month: see seasons
luring: see characters, HIDE activity, using hired natives
see pages 64 and 78
magic: see color magic
MAGIC chits: 37.1/2; 38.3 [altering: 43.5] [Artifact: 48.2; 48.5]
[bewitching a target: 41.5] [casting a spell: 41.2; O7.2; O8.1]
[death of owner: 44.6/1] [enchanted: 38.3/4; 39.4] [fatigue:
38.3/3; 38.3/4a; 39.2/4; O8.1] [prepared: 37.6; 38.3/3; 41.2/2;
41.4] [Spell Book: 48.2; 48.5] [types: 38.3/1]
MAGIC SIGHT: 37.5; 43.6 [Counters result: 43.6/4] [caches:
A1.3/2] [enhanced PEER: 43.6/1] [hidden enemies: 43.6/3;
43.6/6] [self-cancelling: 43.6/2] [Spells result: 43.6/5]
[Treasure cards result: 43.6/4] see also page 80
MAGIC SPECTACLES: see pages 68 and 69
MAGIC WAND: see pages 68 and 70
Magician: [options abilities: O1.5] see also page 63
MAKE WHOLE spell: see page 72
maneuvers: 20.5/2; 22.4/2b; 34.6/2; O5.2 [no maneuver played:
22.6/2b; O5.4/4] [monsters: 22.5/4] [resolving hits: 20.7/1;
maneuver time: 20.5/2 see also move time
map chits: G1.2; P5.1; 1.2/1; 5.1 [Midnight: 14.5/2] [quiet monsters:
O3.1] [revealing: 5.2/1; 12.5/2; 16.2] [summoning monsters:
12.5/3] see also Site chits, Sound chits, substitute chits,
Warning chits and “MAP CHITS” on page 9
MAP OF LOST CASTLE: see pages 68 and 70
MAP OF LOST CITY: see pages 68 and 70
MAP OF RUINS: see pages 68 and 70
map tiles: G1.1; P2.1 [discoveries: 39.5/4] [enchanted: 38.2/5; 39.5]
[running away: 39.5/4a] [turning over: 39.5/2; 39.5/3] see also
illustrations on pages 2 and 7
Medium bow: see pages 64 and 78
MEETING TABLE: [battling natives: 30.3] [boon: 10.5/3; 31.2/2a;
45.4/1; 45.4/2] [buying: 10.5] [HIRE: 26.3; 31.2/2] [selling:
10.4] see also buy drinks and page 79
MELEE SECTION: 20.2; 22.2; 22.5; 33.3; 33.4; 34.2/2
melee step: 20.3; 20.6; 22.4; 34.6 [character plays: 22.4/2; 41.6;
43.2] [native horses: 32.7/4c; 34.6] [positioning monsters:
22.5] [red-side-up Tremendous monster: 24.5/2b; 33.8; 34.7/7;
43.2/2] [selecting a target: 22.4/1; 34.2; 34.4/2b; 34.6/1; 41.3;
43.2; O5.3] see also attack, change tactics, maneuvers and
MELT INTO MIST spell: 46.1 [activities: 46.3] [combat: 46.4/1]
[MOVE T4 chit: 46.4/3a] [strength: 46.6] see also page 74
Midnight: 12.5/3b; 14.5; 15.2/4; 16.5/1b; 17.2; 18.4/1; 31.5/1;
36.3/2b; 37.9; 38.3/3; 42.7/1; 42.8/2; 42.9; 47.4/2b; O1.5;
O2.6; O6.1; E3.2
MISSILE TABLE: [Archers: 34.7/4b] [Attack spells: 42.4/1]
[Dragon heads: A4.6] [missile weapons: 23.2/1a] [native
bowmen: 34.7/4] [OPTIONAL MISSILE TABLE: O5.4]
[penetrating armor: O5.5] see also “OPTIONAL MISSILE
TABLE” on page 57 and “MISSILE TABLE” on page 77
missions (ESCORT PARTY, FOOD/ALE): G2.5; P4.1; 36.1; 36.4
[combined Realms: E6.7/3] [cost: 36.3; 36.4/1] [hired natives:
26.3/1] [penalty: 36.3/2] [reward: 36.3/3; 36.4/1; O2.2/5]
[taking: 36.2] [time limit: 36.3/2]
monster counter: 19.2 [clubs and heads: 19.2/3] [normal facing:
19.4] [Tremendous monsters: G2.3/1]
monsters: G2.3 [armored: 19.2/2; 23.2] [appearance: 1.6/1a; 12.5/4;
19.1/1] [assigning: 20.4; 22.2; 23.7; 25.3; 34.2; 34.3/2]
[blocking: 1.7/2; 13.4; 26.4/2; 28.4] [clubs: 19.2/3; 24.6;
46.2/1b] [combat: 17.5/4; 19.1/2; 21.2; 22.5; A4.1] [FLY:
45.6/4; 47.1; 47.6] [heads: 19.2/3; 24.6; 46.2/1b; A4.6]
[HIDE: 34.2/3] [hit in combat: 20.7/2a] [kills by: 35.4]
[MOVE: 45.6/4] [movement: 1.6/2; 12.2/1; 12.5/5] [quiet
monsters: O3.1] [regeneration: 1.6/3; 12.7; 19.1/3] [trading:
14.2] [transmorphized: 46.1/2] [Tremendous: 24.4; 24.5;
32.7/2b; 33.8; 33.9; 34.3/1; 34.7/7; 34.8] [vulnerability: 19.2]
see also controlled monsters, denizens, hired monsters,
monster counter and “LIST OF MONSTERS” on page 66
MONSTER ROLL: 1.6; 12.1/2 [combined Realms: E6.5]
Morning Star: see page 64 and 78
MOULDY SKELETON: G3.5/2 see also pages 68 and 69
MOUNTAIN tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3] [color magic:
38.2/5a] see also map tiles
MOVE activity: 7.2 [cancel: 7.8; 39.5/4] [carrying items: 7.8]
[caves: 7.6] [extra: 7.4] [leaving the map: 7.9] [monsters:
45.6/4] [mountains: 7.5; O2.2/4] [must move: 7.3/2] [pony:
6.4/2] [recording: 7.3/1]
MOVE chits: [carrying items: 3.3/1, 7.8] [charge: 34.4/2a] [horses:
3.6/4] [running away 22.3/1; 25.4/1; 34.5; O5.1] [strength:
3.3/1a] [strength restrictions: 21.1/3] [see also Boots cards
Move spells: 42.2; 42.5 [conflicting: 44.4/2b] [duplicates: 44.3/3]
move time: 19.3/2 [native horses: 34.5/1] see also maneuver time
moving without playing a MOVE chits: 3.3/1b; 25.4/1
counter: 29.2 [combat values: 29.4] [HIDE: 29.6/2] [ID code:
29.3] [light side up: 29.6]
native horse counter: 29.5 [HIDE: 29.6/2] [light side up: 29.6]
native horses: 29.5 [change tactics: 29.6/3] [combat: 29.5/2; 34.7.6]
[combat-hired: 29.6/2b; 32.7/4; 34.6] [combat-unhired:
29.6/1b; 34.3; 34.6] [killed: 29.7] [red-side-up Tremendous
monster: 34.7/7] [riding: 29.5/1] [selling: 29.5/1]
[transmorphized: 46.2/1b] see also horses and “HORSES” on
page 65
natives: G2.4; 29.1 [appearance: 1.6/1b] [battling as a group: 30.2;
30.3; 31.3/2; 32.7/5; 34.1/2] [belongings: 10.1; 46.2/1b]
[blocking: 1.7/1; 13.5; 26.4] [change tactics: 29.6/1a; 29.6/2a;
32.7/4f] [combat-hired: 29.6/2a] [combat-unhired: 30.1]
[combined Realms: E6.7] [FOLLOW: 31.4] [HIDE: 34.2/3]
[HIRE: 26.3; 31.1] [horses: 26.5/3; 34.1/4; 34.5/1] [killed:
26.5/3; 29.7] [kills by: 35.2; 35.3] [movement: 1.6/2] [native
items set up: P1.3/4] [prowling: 12.3] [red-side-up
Tremendous monster: 33.8/2; 34.7/7] [regeneration: 1.6/3;
12.7; 26.6; 29.8; 31.3/1] [transmorphized: 46.1/2] see also
denizens, GARRISONS, hired leaders, using hired natives and
“LIST OF NATIVES” on page 67
NOTORIETY (how much a character is feared or scorned): 2.4/4a
[bounty points: 23.6; 35.1; 35.2] [hired natives: 32.1/2] [hired
or controlled monsters: 45.8] [loss of hired native: 31.5/3;
35.6] [revealing: 16.4] see also VICTORY REQUIREMENTS
see page 66
Ogres: see page 66
OIL OF POISON: see pages 68 and 71
OINTMENT OF BITE: see pages 68 and 71
OINTMENT OF STEEL: 21.7/3 see also pages 68 and 72
Type I MAGIC chit (Righteous invocations): 38.3 see also MAGIC
Order: G2.4/1 [HIRE: 26.3; 31.2/1a] [regeneration: 26.6/1; 29.8/2c]
[rehiring: 31.2/4] [special price: O4.2/3] see also
denizens: see denizens
pack horses: A2.1 [belongings: A2.2] [hired leaders and controlled
monsters: A2.5] [MOVE: A2.3; A2.4]
Patrol: G2.4/1 [special price: O4.2/2]
PEACE WITH NATURE spell: see page 75
PEACE spell: see page 72
PEER activity (the enhanced PEER): 9.4 [EYEMIST Curse: 15.2/1]
[FLY: A4.4] [MAGIC SIGHT: 43.6/1] [recording: 9.4]
PEER table (long-range viewing): 9.3 see also page 80
PENETRATING GREASE: see pages 68 and 71
PENTANGLE spell: see page 74
Permanent spells: 42.8 [competing: 44.3] [energized: 42.9] [inert:
42.8/2] [hex target: 42.9/3] [nullifying: 44.4/3] [recording
activities: 43.3] [transmorphized: 46.4/2]
PERSONAL HISTORY sheet: G6.1; 2.4 [ALERT: 18.4/2]
[CACHE: A1.2] [enhanced PEER: 9.4] [FOLLOW: 27.2]
[FLY: 47.2/1] [HIDE: 8.4] [HIRE: 31.2] [leaving the map:
7.9] [MOVE: 7.3/1] [recording activities: 2.4/2; 6.4]
[recording discoveries: 2.4/3; 5.3/3] [recording enhanced
activities: 6.4/1b] [recording extra phases: 6.4/1b; 43.3]
[recording FAME, NOTORIETY & GOLD: 2.4/4] [recording
spells: 40.1] [remote SPELL: 39.6] [REST: 11.4] [revealing
information: 16.4] [SEARCH: 9.1] [SPELL: 39.2; 39.3]
[TRADE: 10.3] see also MELEE SECTION
PERSUADE spell: see page 73
PHANTASM spell: see page 74
PHANTOM GLASS: [MAGIC SIGHT: 43.6] see also pages 68 and
Phase spells: 42.2; 42.6 [conflicting: 44.4/2] [duplicates: 44.3/3]
Phases: 6.3 [basic: 6.3/1; O2.2/3] [cancel: 6.5/1; 6.5/3; 43.3]
[cumulative: 6.3/4] [extra: 6.3/3; 6.4/1; O2.2/3a] [order of
execution: 2.2/3; 6.5] [recording extra phases: 6.3/3b]
[sheltered: O2.2/3b] [sunlight: 6.3/2; O2.2/3] [unused: 6.4;
6.5/4] see also activities
Pikemen: [armored: 34.7/5] see also page 67
Pilgrim: see page 63
PILLAGE chit: 36.5/1b [time limit: 36.3/2b] see also campaigns
ponies: [FOLLOW: 27.6/1b] [MOVE: 3.6/3c; 6.4/2] see also pages
65 and 78
POOL: [hired leaders: 32.2/5b] [looting: 9.3/3a] [transmorphized:
46.4/3b] [underlings: 32.3/2]
POTION OF ENERGY: see pages 68 and 71
Potions: 3.4/4 [combined Realms: E6.8] [expiring: 14.5/1]
POULTICE OF HEALTH: see pages 68 and 69
POWER BOOTS: see pages 68 and 70
POWER GAUNTLETS: see pages 68 and 71
15.3/4] see also page 76
POWER OF THE PIT spell: see pages 74 and 76
PREMONITION spell: see page 75
PRICE LISTS: 10.2; 18.8/2 see also page 78
PROPHECY spell: see page 72
PROTECTION FROM MAGIC spell: see page 75
prowling: 1.6; 12.1; 19.1/4 [APPEARANCE CHART: 12.1/2]
[blocking: 12.1/2] [monsters: 12.5] [native group: 12.3] [return
to APPEARANCE CHART: 1.6/3] [summoning: 12.2/2;
12.5/3] [visitor/mission chits: 12.4; 36.6] see also end of week,
regeneration and “SUMMARY OF DENIZEN
APPEARANCE” on page 19
PURPLE magic (Elemental Energies, twisting and reshaping
reality): 38.2 see also color magic
chit: 36.5/1a [time limit: 36.3/2a] see also campaigns
QUICK BOOTS: see pages 68 and 70
quiet monsters: O3.1 [combat: O3.5] [hired and controlled denizens:
quitting: see characters
chit: 36.5/1a [time limit: 36.3/2a] see also campaigns
Raiders: see page 67
READING RUNES: 40.6 [awakened spells: 40.6/1a] [committed
Artifact or Spell Book: 48.3] [learned spells: 40.6/1b] see also
page 80
REFLECTING GREASE: see pages 68 and 71
regeneration: 12.7/1; 26.6; 31.3/1 see also monsters, natives
REGENT OF JEWELS: see pages 68 and 69
REMAINS OF THIEF: G3.5/2 see also pages 68 and 69
REMEDY spell: see page 75
remote SPELL activity: 39.6 [recording: 39.6] see also SPELL
RESOLVING COMBAT IN A CLEARING: see pages 23, 32 and
REST activity: 11.4 [converting wounds to fatigue: 11.5]
[FOLLOW: 27.6/4] [hired leaders: 32.2/3] [making change:
11.6] [recording: 11.4] [WITHER Curse: 15.2/2]
REVOLT chit: 36.5/1a [time limit: 36.3/2a] see also campaigns
roadways: G1.1/3; 7.2 [Enchanted cards: 38.2/2b; 39.5/4; O6.4]
[enchanted tiles: 38.2/5b] [running away: 25.2; 25.4] [spying:
16.5/2a] [walking the woods: 47.8]
Rogues: G2.4/1 [HIRE: 26.3; 31.2/1a] [regeneration: 29.8/2a]
[rehiring: 31.2/4] [special price: O4.2] see also GARRISONS
ROOF COLLAPSES spell: see page 73
A ROUND OF COMBAT: see pages 23, 33 and 43
ROYAL SCEPTRE: see pages 68 and 69
RUINS tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/2] [color magic: 38.2/5a]
see also map tiles
running away: 25.1; O5.1; O5.2 [caves: 25.4/2] [fatigue: 25.3] [fly
away: 47.4/2; O5.1/3] [FOLLOW: 27.2/2] [hired natives:
32.7] [MOVE chits: 22.3/1; 25.4/1; 34.5] [next day: 25.4/1]
[roadways: 25.2; 25.4; 39.5/4a; 39.5/4b] [walking the woods:
47.8/2; 47.9] see also “STUMBLE” on page 57
GRAIL: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/1; O6.3/1] see also
pages 68 and 71
SACRED STATUE: see pages 68, 71 and 78
SCHOLAR: see visitors and page 78
SCROLL OF ALCHEMY: see pages 68, 78 and 81
SCROLL OF NATURE: see pages 68, 71 and 78
SEARCH activity: 9.1 [discoveries: 9.2/2] [FOLLOW: 27.6/3]
[locating: 5.3/1] [looting: 5.4; 9.3; E6.6] [recording: 9.1] see
seasons: O2.1 [CALENDAR OF SEASONS: O2.2] [choosing the
season: O2.3] [missions: O2.2/5] [mountain clearings: O2.2/4]
[phases: O2.2/3] [seventh day color magic: O2.2/6] [victory
points: O2.2/1; E2.4] [weather: O2.4] [weeks: O2.2/2] see also
secrecy: 16.6
secret passages: G1.1/3 [enchanted tiles: 39.5/4] [FOLLOW:
27.6/1c] [MOVE: 7.2/2] [walking the woods: 47.8/1] see also
SEE HIDDEN SIGNS spell: see page 73
SENSE DANGER spell: see page 75
serious wound: A4.5
Serpents: [armored: 23.2] see also page 66
SET UP CARD: G4.1; P1.1; 1.2/2 [destroyed armor: 18.9/1]
[Enchanted cards: 3.4/3] [Potions: 3.4/4] [Site cards: 5.5/2]
[Treasure cards: 3.4/1a] see also “ITEMS AND HORSES” on
page 7
Type VII MAGIC chit (Good Luck knacks): 38.3 see also MAGIC
7 LEAGUE BOOTS: see pages 68, 69 and 70
seventh day of each week (end of week): 1.6/3; 12.7 [automatic
enchanting: O6.1] [color magic: 38.2/4; O2.2/6; E2.3; E2.4/2]
SHAMAN: see visitors and page 78
sharpness star: see weapon counter, weapons
shield: see pages 65 and 78
SHIELDED LANTER: [recording extra phase: 6.3/3b] see pages 68
and 69
SHOES OF STEALTH: see pages 68 and 70 (two entries)
Short Sword: see pages 64 and 78
Short Swordsmen: [armored: 34.7/5] see also page 67
SILVER breastplate: see treasure counters
simultaneous attacks: see attacks
Site cards: 5.5 [looting: 9.3/5] [return to SET UP CARD: 5.5/2]
[SEARCH: 9.2/2] [selling location of: 14.3/1b] [spying:
16.5/2b] [summoning visitors: 12.4]
Site chits (gold color): G1.2; 5.1/2a [Midnight: 14.5/2] [selling
location of: 14.3/1c] [summoning monsters: 12.5/4]
[summoning visitors: 12.4] see also discoveries, map chits and
page 3
Type VI MAGIC chit (Conjuring techniques): 38.3 see also
MAGIC chits
SMALL BLESSING spell: see page 72
Soldiers: G2.4/1 [regeneration: 29.8/2b] [special price: O4.2/2] see
solitaire play: E1.1 [constructing the map: E1.3] [entering the map:
E1.6] [prowling denizens: E1.7] [VALLEY tiles: E1.5]
Sorceror: see page 63
Sound chits (red color): G1.2; 5.1/2b [summoning monsters: 12.5;
12.5/4] see also map chits and page 3
Spear: [unalerted: G3.3/2] see also pages 64 and 78
Special Advantages: 2.4/1a [development: E5.2/1; E5.4/3] [extra
phases: 6.3/3]
SPELL activity: 37.3 [cancel: 39.3; 39.3/2] [enchanting a MAGIC
chit: 39.4] [enchanting a map tile: 39.5] [first SPELL phase of
the day: 39.2] [recording: 39.2; 39.3] [starting the game:
Spell Books: G4.5; 3.4/7; 38.5; O7.1 [active: 48.1] [awakened spells:
40.3; O7.2] [casting a spell: 48.2; O7.1; O7.2] [combined
Realms: E6.9] [committed: 48.3; O8.2] [spellbreaking: 48.3/2]
[use limits: 48.8]
Spell cards: G3.6; P7.1; 38.4/3; 40.2 [awakened spells: 40.3] see
also spells, illustration on page 5 and “SPELL CARDS” on
page 9
spellbreaking: 44.5 [automatic: 44.6] [duplicates: 44.5/3]
spellcaster (a character who plays a MAGIC chit to cast a spell):
41.2 [Artifacts and Spell Books: 48.3/1]
spells: 37.1/3; 38.4 [ambush: A4.2] [awakened: 40.3] [broken:
41.3/1; 41.5/3; 43.5/1; 44.2/3; 44.2/4; 44.5; 44.6; 45.1; 45.2/1;
48.3/2] [buying: 40.7] [cancel: 41.4/1; 41.4/2; 41.6/2; 45.1/1]
[casting: 37.7; 41.1; 41.6/1; 48.2; O8.1] [coming to life: 41.4]
[competing: 44.3; 45.2/3] [completition time: 41.2/2; 41.2/3;
41.4] [conflicting: 44.4] [Duration: 42.1] [effects: 37.8; 41.5;
43.1; 43.2; 44.3; 44.4] [ending: 41.5; 44.1] [FLY: 47.1]
[HIDE: 41.3/2] [hired leaders: 40.1] [learning: 40.4] [limits:
40.4/2; 40.4/3] [nullified: 44.2/1; 44.4; 48.3/1] [permanent:
37.9] [recording: 40.1] [red-side-up Tremendous monsters:
41.2/3b; 43.2/2] [selecting a target: 41.3; 43.2] [target types:
41.3/1] [trading: 40.7/2] [visitors: 40.7] see also Attack spells,
Combat Spells, Day Spell, Instance spells, Move spells,
Permanent spells, Phase spells, READING RUNES,
spellbreaking and “LIST OF SPELLS” on page 72
Spiders: see page 66
spying: 16.5 [FOLLOW: 27.3/3]
SQUEAK Curse: [recording activities: 15.2/1]
Staff: see pages 64 and 78
STONES FLY spell: see page 72
strength letter: [Boots cards: 3.4/5] [horses: 3.6/1] [MOVE: 7.8]
STUMBLE table: see page 57
substitute chits: 5.1/1 [exchanging: 9.2/1; 12.5/2] [SEARCH: 5.2/2]
see also map chits and page 19
suit of armor: see pages 65 and 78
Sunrise: 1.4/2; 1.6; 2.2/2; 12.1/2; 26.6; 27.3; 29.8; 32.2/3; 32.3/1;
32.5; E1.7
Sunset: 1.8; 14.1; 14.2; 17.5; 42.7/2; 48.8
Swordsman (character): see page 61
Swordsmen (natives): see page 67
TO WISE BIRD spell: see page 72
teleport: 15.3/1 [FOLLOW: 27.6/3]
Type III MAGIC chit (Elvish lore): 38.3 see also MAGIC chits
Thrusting sword: see pages 64 and 78
time number: see attack time, completition time, maneuver time and
move time
TIMELESS JEWEL: see pages 68 and 70
TOADSTOOL CIRCLE: G3.5/2 [automatic enchanting: O6.2/1;
O6.3/5] see also pages 68, 69 (two entries) and 71
TOADSTOOL RING: see pages 68 and 69
tooth/claw: see page 64
total score: 4.7/4
TRADE activity: 10.3 [buying: 10.5] [cancel: 10.3/3]
[COMMERCE table: O4.3] [controlled monsters: 45.6/1a]
[FOLLOW: 27.6/5] [recording: 10.3] [selling: 10.4] [special
price: O4.2] [visitors: 40.7/1] see also buy drinks and
“COMMERCE TABLE” on page 57
trading between characters: 1.8; 14.3; 14.4; 22.9/3 [FOLLOW:
27.4] [running away: 25.4] [selling information: 14.3/2]
[spells: 40.7/2] [spying: 16.5/2c]
trading relationships: 2.4/1b [boon: 10.5/3; 45.4/2] [buying: 10.5]
[campaigns: 36.5/3] [development: E5.2/2] [grudges and
gratitude: O4.4] [hired natives: 32.1/1] [pacification spells:
45.4] [revealing: 16.4]
TRANSFORM spell: 46.1 [strength: 46.6] see also pages 74 and 76
transmorphize: 46.1 [action chits: 46.4/2] [activities: 46.3] [carrying
items: 46.2] [combat: 46.4] [riding: 46.5; 47.7] [strength of
spells: 46.6] [vulnerability: 46.4/4] [while riding a flying
monster: 46.2/1c] see also FLY action, walking the woods
treachery: 31.5/4; 32.7/6; 45.5; 45.8; O4.4/1
Treasure cards: G3.5; 3.4 [enhanced activities: 6.4/1a] [extra
phases: 6.3/3] [revealing: 3.2; 3.4/1; 16.3] see also Artifacts,
Boots, cards, Enchanted cards, Gloves cards, Great treasures,
Potions, Spell Books, illustrations on page 4 and “LIST OF
TREASURES” on page 67
treasure counter: G3.3/2 [destroyed armor: 18.9/2] see also armor,
weapons and page 78
treasure sites: 5.4 [spying: 16.5/2b] see also Site chits
TREASURES WITHIN TREASURES: G3.5/2; G4.6 see also Site
Tremendous suit of armor: see treasure counters
Trolls: [armored: 23.2] see also page 66
TRUESTEEL Broadsword: see treasure counters
tunnels: G1.1/3 [crossing an open road: 7.2/3]
turn: 1.4 [activities: 6.2] [phases: 6.3]
TURN SEQUENCE: see pages 10, 22, 32 and 42
Type II MAGIC chit (Pagan rites): 38.3 see also MAGIC chits
(hired non-leaders): 32.3
UNLEASH POWER spell: see page 74
using hired natives: 32.1 [actions: 34.5/2] [attacks: 32.7/2]
[blocking: 32.6] [combat: 32.7; 33.4/1] [die roll: 32.1/1]
[disengagement: 32.8] [FAME: 32.1/2] [HIDE: 32.5; 32.7/1]
[horses: 32.3/4; 32.7/4a] [kills by: 35.2] [luring: 32.7/3c;
34.3/1] [NOTORIETY: 32.1/2] [underlings: 32.3] see also
hired leaders
tiles: P6.2 [automatic enchanting: O6.2/2] [color magic:
38.2/5a] see also map tiles and “VALLEY CHITS” on page 9
VAULT: [hired leaders: 32.2/5b] [looting: 9.3/3b] [transmorphized:
46.4/3b] [underlings: 32.3/2]
VIAL OF HEALING: see pages 68 and 70
VICTORY REQUIREMENTS: 4.1 [Artifacts and Spell Books:
48.6] [belongings: 4.4] [catching: A1.1] [changing the game
time: E2.1] [choosing: 4.2] [development: E5.3] [discarding
items: 3.3/2] [factors: 4.2/2] [joining a game in progress: E2.5]
[multiple characters: E4.3] [seasons: O2.2/1; E2.4] [scoring:
4.7; 4.9; E4.6; E4.7] [spells: 40.5; 48.6; O7.1; O7.2] [sudden
death game: E3.1] [victor: 4.9] [winning: 4.8]
VIOLENT STORM spell: see pages 73 and 76
Vipers: see Serpents and page 66
P4.1; 36.1 [appearance: 1.6/1b] [belongings: G4.4; 10.1]
[blocking: 1.7/1; 13.5; 26.4/3] [hired natives: 26.3/1]
[movement: 1.6/2] [prowling: 12.4] [Spell cards: 40.2; 40.7]
see also denizens
VISITOR PRICES list: 10.2 see also page 78
vulnerability: [character: 23.3/3] [horse: 23.3/1] [monster: 19.2]
[native: 34.7]
the woods: 47.8
war: 26.5
WAR chit: 36.5/1e [time limit: 36.3/2a] see also campaigns
warhorses: [armored: 23.3/1] [MOVE: 3.6/3a] see also pages 65 and
WARLOCK: see visitors and page 78
Warning chits (yellow color): G1.2; 5.1/2b [summoning monsters:
12.5/4] see also map chits and page 3
weapon counter: G3.3; 18.5 [alerted/unalerted: G3.3/2] [sharpness
star: G3.3/1] see also illustration on page 4
weapons: 3.5; 18.1; 21.6 [alerted: 18.3; 18.4/4; 22.3/1; 22.4/2a;
23.2/2; 23.4/1] [method of attack: 18.2/2; 18.5/2; 23.2/1]
[length: 18.2/1] [missile weapon: 23.2/1a] [sharpness star:
18.5/1; 18.7; 19.2/2; 23.1] [striking weapon: 23.2/1b] [time
number: 21.6/1] [weight: 18.5/1] see also dagger, mace,
[combined Realms: E6.5/2] [defining: O2.6] [start of game:
O2.5] see also seasons and “WEATHER” on page 58
Weather chits: O2.4/1
weight: [weapons: 18.5/1]
WHISTLE FOR MONSTERS spell: see page 75
White Knight: see page 62
WHITE magic (Power from On High, working beneficial magic):
38.2 see also color magic
winning the game: see VICTORY REQUIREMENTS
wishes: 15.3 [health: 15.3/4] [Tremendous strength: 15.3/3] [vision:
15.3/2] see also page 76
Witch: see page 64
Witch King: see page 64
WITCHES BREW spell: see page 72
WITHER Curse: 15.2/2; 15.3/4 [health wish: 15.3/4]
[transmorphized: 46.4/2b]
WITHERED CLAW: see pages 68 and 70
Wizard: [optional abilities: O1.2] see also page 62
Wolves: see page 62
Woodfolk: G2.4/1 [special price: O4.2/2]
woods clearings: G1.1/2
Woods Girl: [optional abilities: O1.4] see also page 62
WOODS tiles: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/4] [color magic:
38.2/5a] see also map tiles
workhorses: [MOVE: 3.6/3b] see also pages 65 and 78
WORLD FADES spell: [MAGIC SIGHT: 43.6] see also page 78
wounds: 11.3; 21.3/2; 23.3/2b; 23.3/3; O5.5/1 [converting to fatigue:
11.5] [removing from play: 23.4] [REST: 11.4] [serious
wound: A4.5]

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